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November BINGO Challenge (2023)


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I am providing you with a card with 24 elements that can be included in a layout. You can make a bingo by using any element in a straight line that would make a bingo, whether it is a horizontal line, a vertical line, or a diagonal line. That means that you have to include 5 (or only 4 if you use the FREE in the center) elements in your layout. Of course, you can have more than one bingo if you want to create more than one layout.

Once you post your layout, tell us what 4-5 elements from the Bingo card you are using (it is just easier for everyone to check on you! ? )

So, here is your card, for November 2023.



If you are a DIAMOND member and want to create those elements, you are more than welcome. All the elements listed have a tutorial inside the membership. If you don't have access to those tutorials, or if you don't want to do anything from scratch, you can also use ready-made elements. There is no rule for or against that.

The only rule: have fun and be creative!

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I noticed this challenge first thing this morning.  I have been out all day, which gave me time decide on a topic, and a layout.  I had already decided which bingo line I was going to use.

This evening I created the page. The button was one I created for a previous challenge, duplicated, colourized. By the way it hurt to tear the  photo.   I have to say, I love those new punch brushes. 

Screenshot 2023-11-11 203740.jpg

The Fungal Kingdom 1.jpg

Edited by Sue Thomas
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12 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

I proof read my writing twice, hopefully there aren't any typing, grammar or spelling errors.

The Fungal Kingdom (3).jpg

Long before we moved to Canada. I had a fascination for the world of fungal.  I bought books, reading as much as I could about them.  As the UK has a wet climate,  fungal thrives there, particularly  in ancients forests.  I used to have a way with words, but over the years my literacy skills have diminished, mainly because if you don't use a skill, you loose it. Plus, my memory isn't as good as it once was.  Mycology is the study of fungi and mushrooms, like botany is the study of plants.  Here on the  dry Prairies finding fungi, is a challenge, but  they are here, hidden beneath the leaf  litter, waiting for the right moment to explode into a myriad of colours.

Edited by Sue Thomas
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It is almost not funny, but I decided yesterday on the same bingo as Sue! It appears we are very often thinking along the same lines, sorry Sue but I had made this layout before I noticed yours. I had a busy day today and only now have the time to post mine. After choosing the photo's I wanted to use I made the meli-melo paper from 2 photos of the heather. Again just like Sue I don't like to tear my photo, so I only made one on the edge of my photo. I have created a couple of buttons and just chose one and adjusted the color, made the postmark and the uneven stitching which took me a long time. In the end I realized that I had a fill set on the pen tool!!! The edge punch is one of a series I downloaded quite some time ago and I haven't a clue where I got them. The frames are by Marissa Lerin, the postage stamp I created using my script  and the font is Bremlin.


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4 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

Long before we moved to Canada. I had a fascination for the world of fungal.  I bought books, reading as much as I could about them.  As the UK has a wet climate,  fungal thrives there, particularly  in ancients forests.  I used to have a way with words, but over the years my literacy skills have diminished, mainly because if you don't use a skill, you loose it. Plus, my memory isn't as good as it once was.  Mycology is the study of fungi and mushrooms, like botany is the study of plants.  Here on the  dry Prairies finding fungi, is a challenge, but  they are here, hidden beneath the leaf  litter, waiting for the right moment to explode into a myriad of colours.

Sue I love the photos of your fungi and mushrooms. I'm glad that I at least had chosen another topic for the photos.😉

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50 minutes ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

Sue I love the photos of your fungi and mushrooms. I'm glad that I at least had chosen another topic for the photos.😉

Unknown to us we must have telepathic links.  Admittedly we do share many similarities in our creativity, right down to choosing a rectangle page over a square. Whilst maintaining our  own unique styles,  your style has evolved since you first joined the campus.  Is there a  possibility  that unknowingly I  may have had some influence in that.  I know I was influenced by seasoned members when I first joined, and to a degree still am , when I see something that catches my attention.   That is another asset of  being  a part of the campus family.

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1 hour ago, Sue Thomas said:

Unknown to us we must have telepathic links.  Admittedly we do share many similarities in our creativity, right down to choosing a rectangle page over a square. Whilst maintaining our  own unique styles,  your style has evolved since you first joined the campus.  Is there a  possibility  that unknowingly I  may have had some influence in that.  I know I was influenced by seasoned members when I first joined, and to a degree still am , when I see something that catches my attention.   That is another asset of  being  a part of the campus family.

I gladly admit that you are one of the persons that have greatly influenced me together with Annie Tobin, who I still miss very much. We had some private contact too. Of course today I see more things that catches my eye and I then think what can I do with this or that. I'm still learning every day I do another project and that's why I like this weekly challenges here in the Campus, besides the things like cards that I do for specific purposes. When I look back to when I first started scrapping I hardly recognize my first attempts. Practice doesn't make perfect yet, but it certainly helps!

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16 minutes ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

I gladly admit that you are one of the persons that have greatly influenced me together with Annie Tobin, who I still miss very much. We had some private contact too. Of course today I see more things that catches my eye and I then think what can I do with this or that. I'm still learning every day I do another project and that's why I like this weekly challenges here in the Campus, besides the things like cards that I do for specific purposes. When I look back to when I first started scrapping I hardly recognize my first attempts. Practice doesn't make perfect yet, but it certainly helps!

I also miss  Annie Tobin.  We had many  private interactions of the years.  Another  person I miss greatly is Vickie Richards.  She is still around, but not active.  Aren't we all still learning, I hope we never stop either.

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