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Hi, back again

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Hai, Jannette here.

I knock on this door to inform you about my absence. Sinds begin in January I had pc trouble. It seemed my Windows password was out of date, indeed it was one from the start of Windows. Another era, another requirement in those days. I have changed a lot of passwords from Microsoft etc. but the windows must have slipped my mind. It was horrible, I couldn't place anything. I saw some of what you made but not even a mark from my side was possible. And even mail from Cassel came in but I couldn't respond to the clicks. Since I fixed that passwords slowly get back to normal Internet traffic. Not everything was down, and my Campus password was recently renewed. So I did not understand at all. I hope now I have them all renewed. I also got warnings that this site possibly is not a safe one. I had to give permission to enter with an extra warning.

I discovered too late that there is here a place to introduce myself.  so I do now. I'm Jannette Nieuwboer. The last name is translated: Newfarmer. Nieuw is nearby pronounced as the English 'new', and Boer: the b and r are the same as the English but the OE: is pronounced as the "U" in the word 'TOO',  I do not hope this puzzle is too difficult.  I'm in my 74th year. I live alone, my husband is suffering from Louis's Body Dimension and lives in a care home. I visit him every day so do not have as much time for PSP as I want. In the past iv done a lot of PSP. I work in the 2020 edition as I'm fond of plugins. For now, I will keep this edition. I have a metabolic disorder myself. I get some meds for it but also have to keep a diet. And have to cook everything myself, even baking bread. I eat 85 - 90 % vegan. (I eat eggs, yogurts, and butter. To get my daily portion of protein I eat a lot of lentils and chickpeas too. I v learned to cook them tasty for example chickpeas muffins. lentil pancakes, and lentil pizzas, and from both burgers. 

See you on campus. 



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7 minutes ago, Jannette Nieuwboer said:

Hai, Jannette here.

I knock on this door to inform you about my absence. Sinds begin in January I had pc trouble. It seemed my Windows password was out of date, indeed it was one from the start of Windows. Another era, another requirement in those days. I have changed a lot of passwords from Microsoft etc. but the windows must have slipped my mind. It was horrible, I couldn't place anything. I saw some of what you made but not even a mark from my side was possible. And even mail from Cassel came in but I couldn't respond to the clicks. Since I fixed that passwords slowly get back to normal Internet traffic. Not everything was down, and my Campus password was recently renewed. So I did not understand at all. I hope now I have them all renewed. I also got warnings that this site possibly is not a safe one. I had to give permission to enter with an extra warning.

I discovered too late that there is here a place to introduce myself.  so I do now. I'm Jannette Nieuwboer. The last name is translated: Newfarmer. Nieuw is nearby pronounced as the English 'new', and Boer: the b and r are the same as the English but the OE: is pronounced as the "U" in the word 'TOO',  I do not hope this puzzle is too difficult.  I'm in my 74th year. I live alone, my husband is suffering from Louis's Body Dimension and lives in a care home. I visit him every day so do not have as much time for PSP as I want. In the past iv done a lot of PSP. I work in the 2020 edition as I'm fond of plugins. For now, I will keep this edition. I have a metabolic disorder myself. I get some meds for it but also have to keep a diet. And have to cook everything myself, even baking bread. I eat 85 - 90 % vegan. (I eat eggs, yogurts, and butter. To get my daily portion of protein I eat a lot of lentils and chickpeas too. I v learned to cook them tasty for example chickpeas muffins. lentil pancakes, and lentil pizzas, and from both burgers. 

See you on campus. 



Good to see you back here , Jannette. I think you'll enjoy the new Campus format. We chat more than we did before. Welcome!

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