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Best Practices for Upgrades?

Carol Anne Wall

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I am a long time PSP user and I am looking for best practices for installing a new version and merging old PSP content into my new version.  I also use Dropbox, and I want to be able to back up all of my PSP content in the event of a computer crash.  I seem to have multiple versions of Brush etc. folders, but I just want one with everything, that I can back up to Dropbox. 

Any advice?  I just invested in 2023 Ultimate (currently have 2020 Ultimate), and I don't want to make a bigger mess of my Paintshop Pro files than I currently have.



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7 hours ago, Carol Anne Wall said:

Any advice?  I just invested in 2023 Ultimate (currently have 2020 Ultimate), and I don't want to make a bigger mess of my Paintshop Pro files than I currently have.

The way Corel has tried to help is to add the option to Import Content from previous version. I wrote an article on it.

However, if you want the option to remove older versions (if you have too many) or if you would like to have all the supplies available on different versions, then you should have a look at this article that will show you how to keep all the supplies in one place.

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