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Next Steps for Photo Template?

Julie Magerka

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In Lab 9 - Module 3 (which I have seen a few times), there are steps for creating a multi-photo template. I can do that.

But, after it's created, what are next steps? Convert to masks? Save in what format? Then use Open as New Layer and Clip To It?

I just can't get my head around this and do it easily for some reason....block!

Screenshot is from end of Lab video showing the sample Carole created.

create template.JPG

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7 minutes ago, Cassel said:

At that point, are each square is on its own layer. So, you can turn them into mask layer one by one, or group some (like the four together). Or you can use them as template to replace by papers. 

OK, thanks. But even if I use them for papers or something else, do the squares need to be changed to masks?

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33 minutes ago, Julie Magerka said:

OK, thanks. But even if I use them for papers or something else, do the squares need to be changed to masks?

No, you can just make a selection and trim the paper. Even for photos, you don't HAVE to convert them to masks. It is just one easy way, and more useful for photos.

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30 minutes ago, Julie Magerka said:

OK, thanks. But even if I use them for papers or something else, do the squares need to be changed to masks?

If it were me, I wouldn't change them to masks. That can be done by the person using the template if it were someone other than you.

For all the years I have been scrapping, I haven't used masks when using templates. I choose which square I want with a photo, resize the photo to cover the square. Then I select outside the square with the magic wand, change to the photo layer and move it if needed to better fit within the selection magic ants. Then I hit delete on the photo layer to get rid of the excess photo. It has only been in the last year that I have become comfortable with using masks. And, even though I am more comfortable I default to using the other method 95% of the time because that is what comes naturally to me.

I have never bought a template that has a mask.

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