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Odd......why do some mails from Creation Cassel end up in the spam folder?


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I had to look for a certain email via webmail and saw in the spam folder a Creation Cassel email I never recieved .(with the Buid a kit workshop announced) I really don't get it, most of the emails  from Creation come directly to Outlook, others end up in the spam folder on the server of my provider.  This is not something Carole can do anything  about it, but it's so odd!

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For the last 5 weeks, the Sunday newsletter from Creation Cassel has ended up in my spam folder. I use gmail so it is not because of my provider. And, I mark it as "not spam" every single time.

Looking at the different emails I receive, they actually don't all have the same sender info. So for me, the only one that gets caught in spam is the Sunday newsletter. All others come through fine.

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4 minutes ago, Rene Marker said:

For the last 5 weeks, the Sunday newsletter from Creation Cassel has ended up in my spam folder. I use gmail so it is not because of my provider. And, I mark it as "not spam" every single time.

Looking at the different emails I receive, they actually don't all have the same sender info. So for me, the only one that gets caught in spam is the Sunday newsletter. All others come through fine.

It's so strange that one week they come into my inbox and other week in the spam folder? I mark it as no spam too every time it happens?

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Although it has not been 5 weeks, but I have done some changes about 2 weeks ago in the backend. If you want the long explanation, here it is.

The creationcassel.com domain is on a shared server. Because of that, the server IP is often flagged by various email providers as "spammy". I know it is not me spamming anyone, but others on the server. For that reason, the host changes the server IP about every day, so what is flagged as spam one day, shouldn't be the next day. However, some email providers are much pickier (gmx was a big one) and just about none of the emails coming from the server (so emails from the store, or from me directly) would not go through. 

The scrapbookcampus.com domain, however, is on a VPS so it is not flagged as spammy. So, what I did was get all the emails from the creationcassel.com sites to go through the VPS. This required quite a bit of changes in the DNS, SFP, and such.

The result is that now, invoices from the store, or direct emails from me, go directly through the VPS and won't be flagged as spammy so they finally reach the recipients. So that is the extend that I can do to help. Now, everyone uses their own providers/system and they all seem to have various tolerance level for spam (or what they think it spammy). I also suspect that they might be changing their alogrithm once in a while in order to catch the spammers who try to be smarter. Yeah, it is annoying for you. I wish there was a magical button I could push to fix that for everyone!

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It has been 5 weeks for me. It started the last week of January and it has only been the Creation Cassel newsletter email that have been going into spam. I distinctly remember that it happened the week before the last Master Class. 

It could have been gmail doing it though. They tend to throw stuff into spam just for the heck of it. And, then there are the ones I have put on my block list that still come through... Between spammers and robocalls, they sure have made things frustrating for many people! LOL

I'll just keep checking spam on Sundays!

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I have the same issue as Rene. The email from CreationCassel is in my spamfolder, but only the last e weeks. I use gmail too, but since it doesn't happen the same time as Rene's maybe it isn't gmail that does it. As Rene I have marked it as no spam, so I check sundays around the time it mostly is delivered, my spamfolder! But it is annoying nevertheless!

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On 3/5/2023 at 10:18 AM, Cassel said:

The result is that now, invoices from the store, or direct emails from me, go directly through the VPS and won't be flagged as spammy so they finally reach the recipients. So that is the extend that I can do to help. Now, everyone uses their own providers/system and they all seem to have various tolerance level for spam (or what they think it spammy). I also suspect that they might be changing their alogrithm once in a while in order to catch the spammers who try to be smarter. Yeah, it is annoying for you. I wish there was a magical button I could push to fix that for everyone!

Just so you know I placed an order for a couple of your free scripts in the last hour. The email went into my spam folder. I again marked it as not spam. Hopefully things will get worked out with gmail soon.

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32 minutes ago, Rene Marker said:

Just so you know I placed an order for a couple of your free scripts in the last hour. The email went into my spam folder. I again marked it as not spam. Hopefully things will get worked out with gmail soon.

I wish I knew how all those email providers work. At least, I am glad those emails reach you. Before the latest changes, some emails were actually REJECTED by some email providers. I guess the spam folder is an improvement!

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Today's newsletter from Creation Cassel is in my spam again, so I looked a bit further into why. I use Chrome and gmail and I get 2 messages. My pc runs in Dutch, so translated they read: "Be carefull with this message. Sender has not verified this message, so Gmail cann't check if it is genuinely from this person." (Then the normal don't click on links etc.) Further more: "This warning is shown above every e-mail which can be a scam but comes from an adres in your list with Gmail-contacts". 

I have no idea if this is of any help to you at all. 


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I got ONE notification of the newsletter not being delivered to a recipient today (and it was to a gmail account) saying that something is not matching in the SPF and DMARK so I'll have to look into it. I got the notification for one, but who knows if others were affected too. This is so annoying in the backend too!

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Yeah, mine was in spam as well today.

I see the Mailchimp logo on the newsletter so it really surprises me that it gets sent to spam. None of the other newsletters I get through Mailchimp do. Even the one that I keep unsubscribing from that doesn't unsubscribe me (I also never signed up for it) and have it marked to go to spam doesn't go in spam!

The joys of technology!  LOL

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