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No mask in folder?


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On the Corel site it says PSP comes with masks, but when I look in the folders (2020 and 2022 version) There are no masks, the folder is empty. No mask in the folder in the documents, but neither in the folder I use for PSP on another part of my computer.  Should there be some or are they available to d/l somewhere?
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In the Documents folder, those are always empty by default, as you install PSP. Those folders are for YOU to create supplies (masks picture tubes, preset shapes, presets, brushes, etc.)


The default supplies included should be in

ProgramData > Corel > PSP[number] > Corel_07


Do you have something there? There aren't many masks but there should be a few.

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HI ladies'                             i DONT HAVE IT TO


<b>CAROLE  will you sometime this day or on weekend will you help me I cant get the box to choose my font or to make rectangle with round corners   Please...   :)   and show me where masks are going to take a nap now my new meds Yuck they changed my throid meds to   ty </b>

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Hi All,


Just spinning my wheels trying to do, find, learn, have fun, relax, ect but Susan Ewart did you find that yet?


  newer, younger, bionic-er grey cells   I need to get some  


on top of (aging, uti, depression, no throid activity,Parkinsons, R.A. rls, I get to have MThFr genitic malformation)


I need to know what where to go to buy this newer, younger, bionic-er grey cells,  Please and Thank You :)



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