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June TUT/TECH Challenge - Multicolored Text


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Hi, everybody, just getting over a case of COVID.  Have been reading messages from my email, not the forum per se, but this one topic of New Pose is perplexing.  The New Pose font file was 252kb instead of a normal size, which is around 30kb. I could see it being double, maybe 55-60kb because it’s a “hollow filled” style font.  What else is packed into the zip file? Anything?


new topic: filed under things that make you go, hmmmmm?!

you guys probably all know this story, but since we were talking about fonts…..

Google has something like 1400 free professional fonts. These are especially good for reading the web, making them excellent for creating websites.  Turns out, it also makes an excellent way for Google to follow your every move online.  (Germany has brought a suit against Germany on this.) https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2022/01/31/website-operator-fined-for-using-google-fonts-the-cloudy-way/


“Of course, that means that Google’s servers get a visit from your browser, and thus Google unavoidably gets your IP number (or an IP number provided by your ISP or VPN provider, which loosely amounts to the same thing).”





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I m unable to comment on  the google fonts, as I have never downloaded fonts from google, but then I didn't know that they had free fonts.  I'm sure  Bitdefender would  have detected something amiss, and taken the appropriate action.


I don't know anything about creating fonts, and what determines each font's file size.  Possibly the complexity of the  font,  I really don't know.  The New Pose font is  702KB, I checked it's properties.   I have many monogram fonts which are in excess of  2MB.   Yet they are not overly complex in design.   After checking several fonts  at random, their file sizes ranged from 25KB to  3.2 MB.    So, in my  opinion, the file of the compressed font folder, or the actual font file size, doesn't mean that  the larger  sizes may contain viruses, or anything  else other  than  the actual font.   Possibly unknown to the creator, he/she used  a file which isn't compatible  will all  operating systems.  For example, you can't use  SVG files in PSP.  Again I don't know anything about creating fonts, but what I will say is, if Creative Fabrica assured me that a  folder doesn't contain anything harmful to my operating system, and it is completely safe to use. I  would believe them.

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Suzy, I didn't download the font (I've got all that I want... I got off the "gotta have every font train" a long time ago). But I just looked at a couple of the zip files from fonts that I did download. One is 943 kb. In the zip are 4 different fonts each about 230 kb in size. Another font zip file is 227 kb and has 6 different fonts in it all about 38 kb in size.  The one with 4 fonts are the same font only in "Bold", "BoldItalic", "Italic" and "Regular".  The one with 6 fonts are the same font only in "Bold", "ExtraBold", "ExtraLight", "Light", "Regular" and "SemiBold".


So a larger zip file just could be because there is more than 1 font actually in the file. And, some have license txt files as well.

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