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Story Time Challenge 2017


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First of all, come and say HI if once you register for this challenge.


We want to know who else will be there, on our side to challenge us.


Remember that it is NOT a contest. It is a friendly challenge to get you to do something you might not have thought of doing before.


Once the Challenge is started, on February 15th, you can post your pages, and your stories (if it is too small to read, you can always copy and paste the text, if you want).


Remember to resize your image to about 600 pixels before uploading it so it won't slow down the site when we have lots of your masterpieces.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Glad to already see some layouts. Yes, you can add photos if you want, or not. This challenge is made to be complete even if you don`t have photos, because not everyone has those photos to go with the stories. Also, you can always add a second page with photos and make it a double page! Everything is possible! Everything is allowed! it is YOUR story.
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WOW! i just got my own copy of Day 3, and reading my story, i realize that i have typos!


BONUS TIPS of the day:

proofread your own text (or ask someone else to read it)

keep a .pspimage version saved so you can go back and fix those typos!

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Here is my celebration page.... which is about Christmas.   I didn't use PSP to make my actual page.  I have SOOOOO many scrapbooking supplies I am on a mission to use them up.  I did the "words" on my Word program.  I do use PSP to work with my pictures and graphics. But not on this page.  I do appreciate the challenges you are presenting.  I have started page one but want to dig out a couple of pictures to use.


Here is what the page says, since I am pretty sure you won't be able to read it on the actual page......


"Celebrations from my childhood usually involved   birthdays or Christmas.


In that vein my strongest memories involve waiting impatiently for Christmas morning to arrive.  One time I tried to go to bed really early so it would come sooner but I just lay there for hours. That was not a good idea.  I do remember visiting Santa at the department store.  And making lists using the Sears- Roebuck Wishbook.


Since we did not live near any of our extended family members, Christmas was just a small family thing.  On Christmas Eve we would go to church and when we returned home we were  allowed to open one of the wrapped gifts… and  Mom usually suggested which one so it would be “something to do” to keep us occupied.


When I grew up and had a family of my own we continued this practice!!


Probably the most momentous Christmas gift I received was on Christmas Eve of 1965…..  I opened a gift from my boyfriend ….   It was a package of two coffee mugs to symbolize our first date… and nestled down inside the package was an engagement ring.  I couldn’t speak for a several minutes and my family wanted to know what was wrong!!  LOL.  I might add that 51 years later we are still married."




Beth L.



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Beth, it looks like you copied from MS Words. Is that the case? It just keeps all the formating from Words which makes it impossible to read. Here is a trick: copy your Word text, paste it into Notepad (that will remove all the formatting and the odd looking code). Then, copy from Notepad, edit your post and paste it in here. Then, we'll be able to read it all.
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Yes Beth, it is fixed. I was checking because there are some members who can't seem to post today because the system blocks them.


NOTICE: if you are being blocked from posting in the forum, please, drop me an email. I am checking things in the backend right now.



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