Oops forgot the photo. I might use this or if I have time to take any pictures I'll find something else. I looked to see when the last time I did the Bootcamp and it was May 2023. That seems like it's so long ago. this is my 9th time.
Ann, how many times is this for you now. I cant believe you forgot to register, the Bootcamp is in your DNA, I thought you might have an automatic alarm for it. 😁
I like my workspace dark, although i might try the medium grey to see if I like it. I use the rulers on a UNtabbed workspace. I closed the palettes i dont use. And have added the Instant effects and Script Output with Auto hide on the side of the materials palette. I have the history just below the materials palette. I added the repeat icon to the layers palette and the bound the open as layer and have the jpg and png optimizers on the task bar (? at the top). Yay, for the first time this year I think I'm actually posting on time.