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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. Love your page, Ann. Your title font is perfect! I find the hardest part of creating a layout is choosing a font. Sometimes my creations stall for days because of that.


    I have searched for the template used in Legends...have not found it yet. I'm sure I used a template. It would never occur to me to use all those ribbons or round photos. Templates do help me to stretch more.

  2. Ann...yesterday was the first nationwide telecast for pickleball. It has been featured a couple of times on tennis channel and a couple of other channels but this is the first time for nationwide...a historical moment for pickleball. The matches you saw were for the pros; however, almost all tournaments have amatures playing also...far away from the spotlight. I was not there but I watched on TV. I was in Maryland this weekend for the Maryland Senior Games. Did you enjoy watching pickleball? We seniors play the same as the pros but much slower and less skill.
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