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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. Marie-Claire, I downloaded your template. I will be trying it as soon as I get my computer on the straight and narrow again. Thank you!


    Becky Bee at Digital Scrapbooking posted a layout with this template that I liked so I downloaded the template. I had to search a bit but it is there. I am not sure I am happy with my  layout but it will have to do until later. I did modify the template a bit. Original used only 2 photos.


    https://internationalwordart.com/ monthly template challenge october 2022



  2. Alpha Book S...South Carolina...my home state! State flag, state flower, Yellow Jasmine, state bird, Carolina Wren. Other 2 photos taken in the Charleston area. Me hugging the Angel Oak...an oak tree over 400 years old. A friend and I at Shem Creek. Annie C template.
  3. I am sooooo far behind but I finally completed the R page of my alpha book. I chose the colors purple and green because they were the colors of my running club. Purple for royality; green for new beginnings. All of my photos were really poor quality and I didn't like them so I chose not to use a photo.


    The text reads, “I don’t like to run”…I said to a co-worker the subject came up. “I’ll run to chase a ball but not just to run”…famous last words. Soon 2 co-workers and I were training to run the Bonne Bell 10K in May. The rest is history…We ran several races together and when the others no longer ran I continued. Many years, lots of races and finally a marathon. I even competed in a mini-triathlon. I learned I loved to run. Some of my most creative ideas came during a run. I joined the Washington RunHers, a group of women who were paving the way for women runners everywhere. I met many world class runners and found many friendships. Bonne Belle, Avon and Moving Comfort were women-only races and there were lots of other races. Listed above are my favorite races and the different distances I competed. I no longer compete but I have beautiful memories!

  4. Thank you, Lynda and Susan!


    Yes, Susan, age is just a number...especially if you have been blessed with good health. In my younger years I was always disappointed how girls/women were treated in the sport's world and the lack of opportunities. I came along before Title IX. However, there's a "good" side now in that I never had the opportunity to abuse my body the way college and professional athletes were required to do. Now in my later years I can still play/compete. I know numerous ex college/professional athletes who now are unable to play because of the damage done to their bodies when they were younger. I also know ex college/professional athletes who are still in the game. I have been blessed!

  5. What a week...2 day drive to GA, 3 days of pickleball, 2 day drive back to VA racing Ian all the way!

    I went to the Georgia Golden Olympics needing a doubles partner. I partnered with a woman who is 85...I am 78. She and I played 3 70-74 teams and 1 60-64 team. We lost only 1 game and that was to the 60-64 team. My partner was amazing...an excellent player...she and I jelled immediately and enjoyed playing together!

  6. Corrie, I am so happy to hear you are well. Recovery is usually a slow process and it is difficult to remain patient. Be patient, heal quickly and hang in there with rehab!


    Dawn, good news. Best wishes as you continue your healthy journey!


    Everyone, your creations are maginificent! I have not even begun but I am just about ready. The tournament I directed took all of my time...no time for play. I have just about completed my tasks and then I will be free!


    I leave tomorrow for a week-long trip...see you when I return!

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