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Jnet Allard

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Everything posted by Jnet Allard

  1. Lesson 6 Made yesterday but didn't have time to post
  2. Sorry for the two mailings, I couldn't put them in the same message.
  3. Day 3 - Leaf I found this one easy, but I had to follow Carole's example. On my own, it'll be a different matter
  4. I started yesterday and finished today. I won't be able to go through all the posts, too dizzying for me and for that reason, I didn't create anything, just followed the tutorial.
  5. Hello everyone! Already 10 pages on the third day on vector! wowww I couldn't make it before, I was out and about and couldn't get my work done on the right day because my Wi-Fi connection at the cottage is so bad. I'm in town with a good connection and will stay there until the end. Having already had labyrinthitis, I get dizzy when I'm at the computer. I'll try to read everything that was said before my message when I'm feeling better. In the meantime, here's my Day 1 - I hope to catch up soon. Thanks Carole for this workshop, I really need it as you can see from my work today. My lines aren't straight :-(
  6. C'est posté pour moi aussi. Joyeuses Pâques à tous!
  7. Wowww a lot of participants and a lot of beautiful layouts! Congratulations to all!
  8. Irregular, I was doing a test and as I liked it I kept it.
  9. It's hard to choose which card to comment on because they're all great! Thank you Carole for seeing my mistake on the text. I had made a mini template though lolll. I edited my original post hoping it would go through but I guess it didn't.... sorry for giving you extra work.
  10. Thank you Carole for this beautiful workshop. I did not make the envelope because I lack of time. I want to watch the last day of the boxing day. I will come back tomorrow to see the last cards added. https://scrapbookcampus.com/gallery/uploads/monthly_2022_11/large.Carte7.jpg.4aa56d6d6bd1378bc3da9c1d9f365e05.jpg
  11. <span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Joli modèle Carole. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">J'y ai apporté quelques modifications. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">J'ai aimé faire cette carte pleine page.</span></span> https://scrapbookcampus.com/gallery/uploads/monthly_2022_11/large.Carte6_pte.jpg.b4d5c047d89dd891dee8927183d48c58.jpg
  12. Woww some nice additions were made during my two day absence! Carole, thanks for the template and the note about my work. I kept the same size as the other cards to make this card. I was able to get my Wi-Fi yesterday when I arrived. I am very happy because I am almost finished at the same time as many others. I didn't notice but I think I remember that it was Shirly who had shingles, my heart goes out to you knowing how painful it is! https://scrapbookcampus.com/gallery/uploads/monthly_2022_11/large.Carte5.jpg.643c673b5a48bfb6472c43374685b460.jpg
  13. Another beautiful template, thanks Carole. I posted my second card yesterday following Sue's first message and I didn't see it. I saw it this morning when I opened the computer far away from Sue's message. I did well to wait before making a new message because there would have been several duplicates https://scrapbookcampus.com/gallery/uploads/monthly_2022_11/small.Carte3.jpg.e3e9a3c0fdba081a501a3a4b59eca89e.jpg
  14. Thank you Carole for your comment. I posted yesterday at 1pm and my message didn't go through. I will post without going through the gallery my card from yesterday and today. I have seen everything that has been done and it is really pretty! Congratulations to all the participants
  15. Thank you Carole for your note and well done for the cards seen so far. all different and very pretty. I used your template with it placed sideways. https://scrapbookcampus.com/gallery/index.php?/image/515-carte2jpg/
  16. Hello to all! I hope this is where we post our work. Thank you Carole for this great idea of greeting cards. I used this: kjd-A-Jolly-Christmas loop - Photo pixabay - Font: Christmas Wish Calligraphy
  17. I will be there on the 14th - 15th - 16th - 17th. For the last 3 days it will depend on my WiFi connection in Mexico
  18. Thank you Carole for your clue which didn't mean anything to me at first but after a lot of thinking I found it. I am posting my puzzle
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