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Jnet Allard

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Everything posted by Jnet Allard

  1. I would like to see how it works. I already had one a long time ago and I only ever knew how to do lines with it.
  2. Day 7 I did it despite the few days of delay and I'm happy. I took notes this time, so I can do vector art again. Thank you Carole for this superb workshop! For the group, I'm going to come take a look around to see your results.
  3. Jour 5 - premier travail et plus haut le deuxième my curve was made from the ramp
  4. Thanks for the suggestions from a manager, I note everything Here is my lesson 3
  5. Thank you Julie Magerka, Anne Seeber, Corrie Kinkel, intermediary, Cristine for your encouragement for my passwords. I'm going with the most used ones, so I can make a few each day. Anne Seeber & Carol, I'm happy to be here with you. Here is my lesson 2
  6. Text translated with Google Hello to all participants. I arrive late, because I am in the boxes full to bursting from our 52 years of life together for my husband and me. I think I will have enough to sort through, throw away, keep and give away everything we have accumulated over these 52 years. In addition to the move, I was surprised when I turned on my computer that all my saved passwords had disappeared. I think I'll have to change them all because the ones I have in note don't go through, as if I needed that!
  7. Thank you Carole for the game, I really like doing it. I had trouble with #10. Cristina helped me with an extra word. I had tried everything, I had seen the big X on the intruder, but not the subject in the title (where I was looking). Which will teach me to look at the image as much as the subject lolllll I sent you my canvas full of pretty eggs.
  8. I passed by, I don't know how many times and I didn't look at the image -- I just found Thank you so much
  9. Hi Cristina, thanks for the start of the clue but I still can't find it. I tried all the words, mixed them up, put two by two or three and I found nothing. Is there a word with more than 3 letters?
  10. Hello everyone, I'm missing rabbit number 10. I can't find it despite the clue given by Susan. Someone give me another clue please
  11. Superbe Carole, belle idée de cadeau et ce sera un magnifique souvenir pour toute la famille!
  12. Here are 2 things I did with a template and a script. I loved looking at all your creations
  13. Thank you very much Susan for your help. I've found!
  14. I need to rest and above all closed the countless pages open to do my research in order to restart my computer. I'm still missing 10 - 11 and 12
  15. Thank you so much! I now know what clue to look for
  16. Hello, can one of you tell me what clue the following zip corresponds to: 12y-Puzzle-Piece-I.zip? I stumbled across this and wouldn't want to do this search again.
  17. Here is my work for day 5. I was late for the whole workshop.
  18. It took me more than an hour to understand the written tutorial - I got discouraged and it was when the page transferred to my main screen that I saw the video. I added it to my page 4
  19. Carole, I know now that I haven't done this workshop before... It's different than I thought and I like that it's different. Day 3 & 4 Doing the stamp took me the morning of yesterday and today I did the double page but I forgot that I had to do a logo. I'll add it tomorrow, it's too late to continue now. I like the achievements presented so far. Nice job everyone!
  20. My Day 1 started on Monday - I thought I'd managed to get 2 pages done today, but nope. I had a lot of problems but it's done. What's more, I'm sure I've taken this workshop before, and while I was doing it I had my doubts: did I use the same trip???? It's too late to go through the 4 pages already posted. I'll do it tomorrow. And finally I had to reopen my psp - my work wasn't light enough ?
  21. Leçon 7 Mon dernier jour. Je suis content de l'avoir fait. Merci Carole pour ce bel atelier. Ces cours seront très pratiques. Je commencerai à parcourir les messages plus tard dans la journée.
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