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  1. Week 28 - Some fluffy looking Thistle...
  2. Hi Fiona - it's never too late to join in so a warm welcome. I think most of us are using a canvas size of 1800x1200 pixels (6x4 inch). Our early discussions about the mechanics of this challenge are on the January P52 thread if you want to see them.
  3. Week 27 Lilies in the sun. I took this photo while out walking – if flowers can look happy these looked very happy!
  4. W = White Skirt Tetra
  5. B = Brittle Stars ( type of star fish)
  6. Week 26 A marigold flower (calendula officinalis) catching the sun.
  7. Ann, I love the way you look after these cats - it is such a great kindness.
  8. E = Etrog (a large, oblong yellow fruit that resembles a lemon and is thick with a bumpy exterior)
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