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Everything posted by MoniqueN.

  1. I did get the day 4 mail.
  2. Hope you will be feeling better soon!
  3. I used a preset, I think 10-10-80-10. Deleted the shadows on the photo and added 10-10-80-10 again, and also a reverse shadow πŸ™‚
  4. This is better (Shadow on the green mat)
  5. The same mill, taken from the other side. Font: Chartz and arial. The smudge is from Elif Sahi and flowers from Jessica Dunn. Date stamp from Carole.
  6. I did use a reverse shadow..........maybe that's it, used on the shadow and not the paper. Will have a look! Thanks again!πŸ‘
  7. @Cassel The shadow on the green mat seems dark, almost like a double shadow. I checked but it isn't a double one. What do you think, is it a correct shadow, do I have to change the opacity maybe?
  8. Love the way you made oyur text.
  9. Day 3 Font is Chartz Scrapkit is from lady22, an old one.(2019) Date script form Carole Photo is my own, taken in the neighbourhood of our home.
  10. Hahaha! Yeah, it seems so! Totally forgot the plate πŸ™‚
  11. I don't like the daylight savings at all. There were talks about to stop with it all together in Europe, but no, it's still changing every season, blegh!
  12. Just a quick version, without shadows etc. I have done this exercise a few years ago when I first joined I think.. Since I joined Carole's campus I learned more in a few lessons then I did all these years with lessons from the internet. (Started with version 7 or 9) Mostly because explanations about why and how were not there and here everything gets explained and if you get stuck Carole is always around and of course the fellow PSP-ers here. I have too many hobby's so I'm not always very active here, but love this community! πŸ™‚
  13. My workspace is the darkest you could choose. I bought a larger monitor sometime ago, will have to look in my documentation how I change the size in the layer pallet of the eye icon. It's very small now. I have gathered some of my mill photo's, I will go and use them this bootcamp. πŸ™‚
  14. H- Hang op (Dutch oldfashioned kind of Yoghurt) Hang op
  15. M- Mon chou cheese cake
  16. I was fooling around a bit with the Popart script. In rainbow colors..........Not one of my favourites projects but it does have rainbowsπŸ˜‰
  17. Traitors is originally a concept from the Netherlands, it was a great succes over here. We loved watching it. Are there famous people on your version of the show? We now have, I think, the 4th season, now for the first time with "common"people. Dutch version
  18. Lesson 7 Bree serif is the font Datestamp from Cassel Text translation: I have learned "Zo gaat de molen"(A oldfashioned Dutch song for young children) to my granddaughter (just 2 years now) Singing aong is still a bit difficult, but the movements with the song, she can do.During our last visit to the Open lucht museum in sept. 2023, we took more mill photo's and put them on our digital photo frame. Every time she sees a mill, she starts to sing and move. And we sing along with her!" It was fun to do this course again (Except the linoleum) , it reminds me to paint shop more often, because you forget some techniques or handy short cuts πŸ™‚
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