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Posts posted by MoniqueN.

  1. This entry is from the Basic scrap course: https://scrapbookcampus.com/basic-scrap-course-1/


    I followed lessons since PSP 7 on the internet, but never really understood why you do things the way you do with PSP, since I found the campus and all it had to offer, I've learned so much more! Wish I found this campus earlier in my working with PSP history :D


    Well anyway, this is one of the projects I made at the  Basic scrap course (lesson 4):





  2. Congratulations on the 10th Anniversary of the Campus :) Hope there will be many years to come, love the companionship here and on FB and of course your help with all you may have to ask abut PSP :)




    I'm so glad I found this site! :)


    This is one of the projects I made during the Love story challenge:





  3. To end this magazine challenge, it would need things real magazines have too, but will do that later. I think I'm gonna print it first, then look what it needs more, maybe change some colours etc......




    But it was fun to do! The weather wasn't so great over here, so it was nice to make paper cards and for variety this magazine :)


    Thanks Carole for the challenge! :)

  4. Day 7


    Quick translation:


    You don't have to take everything seriously in a garden or even in a garden inspiration park.


    In a part of the park are experiment gardens.

    Young, but also older gardeners, show, sometimes on the basis of a theme, their idea of a beautiful garden and maybe even to see what a garden looks like in

    real instead of on paper.

    A funny one was the qwerty garden on photo 4.


    In the park there are also garden 'jokes" and special objects, like the wedding couple,the tree with old gardenstuff, a head made of a tree trunk.

    The last one is standing there for years now, you see it detoriate, but it still has "something".

  5. I think I've done something wrong with  day 7 ...............


    I made squares (and yes I duplicated whole mask layers and moved them to the spot I wanted (bit lazy ;) )


    But also on the original mask top left, my picture isn't as bright as it should be. The funny tree on the right is also like it's in a fog......what have I done wrong creating the mask> ( I think that must be it)

  6. When you are on the frame layer, you can floodfill it, with all layers unchecked. Otherwise all your layers will get the new chosen colour.


    Hope I'm correct, always a bit afraid to give wrong advice ;)



  7. Day 6


    Quick translation:


    Of course we shouldn't forget the flowers in Appeltern.

    There are thousands species of flowers and plants in more than 200 example gardens to have a look at on more than 10.000 m²!

    Don't you know yet what you would like, you can find inspiration in the park, but online, on Appelterns site you can find a encyclopedia where you can

    read more about plants, flowers, shrubs and trees.


    Is this a bit too much information, you can't make up your mind, you can hire an gardener to give you garden advice.

  8. Day 5




    If you've seen Appeltern one time, you've seen it all?


    Well, no!

    Look at the photo's beneath, so you can see why multiple visits are recommended!


    Every season is different in Appeltern.The photo's above are made on almost the same spot in March and in September.

    The chair on the top photo, is hidden on the left side of the picture at the bottom.

  9. Day 4 second try ;)


    This is much better, white was a bit too much, but grey-ish is better then the green I had before. Changed the title and subtitle.


    Isn't it odd, one time your completly stuck and now with one suggestion from Carole, it's a better page.



  10. I don't know what I did, but editing my post because the pictures where in the wrong way, my complete post was deleted....


    My day 4


    I'm not sure about the colour of the title (didn't like green much) and the title itself, because it "does not cover the load(? "), I mean the text is about the beginning of Appeltern and not from classic to modern, but will change later on when I come up with a better title.




    The gardens of Appeltern started long ago with gardener Ben van Ooijen, who made example gardens near his shed to show people what a garden would look

    like instead of showing them from paper.


    This expanded to what nowadays the gardens of Appeltern is.

    You can't only see example gardens, but buy plants, attend workshops, eat,and even weddings and other gatherings are held here.


    You can also see old and new coming togeth, as shown here on the photo's.

    A tea house, a statue hidden in the green and even an iron tree with discarded garden supplies."

  11. Here is my day 4 :)


    I'm having doubts of the black characters in the title, didn't like green much , the title itself, because it does not cover the load(?), it's not capturing exactly what the article is about, but will change it when we have more pages.




    "The gardens of Appeltern started long ago with gardener Ben van Ooijen, who made example gardens near his shed to show people what a garden would look

    like instead of showing them from paper.


    This expanded to what nowadays the gardens of Appeltern is.

    You can't only see example gardens, but buy plants, attend workshops, eat,and even weddings and other gatherings are held here.


    You can also see old and new coming togeth, as shown here on the photo's.

    A tea house, a statue hidden in the green and even an iron tree with discarded garden supplies."

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