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Linda Rexford

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Everything posted by Linda Rexford

  1. Here is my last page. I have to say, I don't care for coffee or plantains, but the tour was very interesting! This has been a fun workshop and even tho I have had Affinity for a few years, I learned some new ways to use it! Thank You Cassel for doing this workshop!
  2. I went and looked at this, I have updated to 2.6 also. I tried the process and noticed in 2.6 when I added the recolor layer, it automatically grouped the text and the recolor layer. Then when you add the mask, it is putting the mask layer above the group. You have to drag the mask down to the recolor layer for this to work. Give it a try and see if that works for you.
  3. Day 6, pg 7. So hard to choose photos for this project, I have way too many!
  4. Day 5 using Affinity. The trip up to the valcano was quite a walk! It was beautiful and so different from anything you see where I live in Michigan!
  5. Here are pg 4 and 5. There are so many more pictures I took, it was hard to choose. We were also part of a tour so we didn't get to spend as much time there as we would have liked to.
  6. Here is my pg 3 changed to have the two colors for text.
  7. Day 3 We explored the hotel grounds and this is one of the things we found.
  8. I am using Affinity for my magazine, here is day 2.
  9. Hi Everyone, my magazine is about a trip to Costa Rica in 2010. It was a trip for work but I did get to do some sight seeing there. Hubby also got to go there for a weekend so it was a fun trip too.
  10. I have used Affinity since 2017 but not for anything like this. I mainly use Designer because I wanted to make my own elements. I learned how to do vector in PSP, but it is much easier (I think) in Designer. I have used Photo for many things but nothing like Scrap booking. I learned many new things because of this. Many thanks to Carole for having this workshop and I will be in the next one too! It was also fun meeting new people here!
  11. I ran into a wall trying to do this one, so it took me awhile. I finally got some inspiration and got it done! The papers are all from Design Bundles, except for the rectangle the writing is on. That is from an old PSP Scrapers Dozen I did back around 2012! The berries in the corner and pine needles are from Jessica Dunn. The photo is mine. The frame is from Marisa Lerin.
  12. Rene in Affinity, it you go to Help in the menu across the top, search for Frame Text Tool. Maybe that is what you are looking for? It's been awhile since I used PSP so I don't remember how it works there.
  13. Project 4, I used one of the kits Carole suggested from True Heart Digitals. I also had issues with the eraser brush, but I finally got it to work. I went with a scallop edge, I thought it fit the theme better. I know it was mentioned to use masks instead. I find that one of the hardest things to do and I don't know why. I would love to learn how to do that so it works!
  14. Saving is important! Affinity doesn't boot you out often, but it only takes one time to waste hours of work! I tend to save my work as soon as I start the project. Also, Bo is so cute!
  15. Here is Project #3. All the papers and Glitter came from Creative Fabrica and Design Bundles. The heart scatters are from Sheila Reid. The heart balloons I made in Affinity Designer.
  16. If you are having trouble moving layers by dragging them, you can use the tool bar at the top that will change the layer order. You highlight the layer you want to move and then you can choose to Move to back (down to bottom), Move back one (just down one layer), Move forward one (one layer up) or Move to front (make it the top layer)
  17. I uploaded the wrong image, the one without shadows. I just uploaded the correct one. Thank You!
  18. Project 2, We have a feral cat colony outside and have had them for years. This birdbath, which is heated, used to serve a lot of birds in the winter until the cats moved it! This was in January and they were quite cozy, but I have no idea what they were watching!
  19. Project 1, I haven't done a scrapbook page in a long time. This is a start tho! These are from my stash of goodies and the photo is one of the cats we've had. Raven is sitting in a heated birdbath enjoying the weather. Lol
  20. Moving my sandwich to this forum. For this sandwich, I prefer my pickles on the side!
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