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  1. This reminds me to take more photos. It's the best way to come home with a selection that best reflects the day--overall scene and the details. I love this. It means you'll have a great memory to look back on and enjoy more for telling the complete story. I've been going back to scrap 20 year old photos and wishing I'd done this.
  2. Page 6:
  3. Thanks, I'll go back a review Day 3!
  4. @Krystyna Nicholls Your page 3--This is a really effective way to use the split color technique. It enhances the photo so much. I remember it involves masking and a recolor adjustment layer but have forgotten the method for doing it. I have to go back and review it.
  5. Day 5. The black outline isn't part of the page but I included it in the screenshot to make the page more readable here.
  6. Pages 4 and 5
  7. I really appreciate your feedback...I'd like to try this and understand adding a rectangle that fits a smaller page size, but I'm not sure what you mean by adjusting for an even stroke and no fill. Thanks!
  8. you're brave @Jeni Simpson! I could never jump out of a plane and barely like flying.
  9. @Corrie Kinkel - thanks for sharing how to make the frame. It does seem simple but also easy to forget! Here's Page 3. I want to find another way to make the text standout on a busy background. I like having it directly on the photo but will choose a plainer one next time for this type of title.
  10. We had rain a few weeks ago. It was a relief since the dry winds and low humidity created a high fire hazard.
  11. Here's page 2. Again in Affinity.
  12. This cover page was created in Affinity. It's a little bigger than 8.5 X11 because that's what Blurb requires.
  13. M = Maid of Honor
  14. Thanks for explaining your method for naming styles and for creating categories. I'll be thinking of how I'll implement this based on the elements I use most frequently.
  15. I've loved this class and have worked through Lesson 9. Favorite things learned so far: -making a pattern from an object like a glitter square - adding shadows to photos and paper that look believable and doing it for multiple elements at one time by selecting them all. And I wonder why FX aren't used for adding frames to photos. And will you have a class showing how you set up styles. - putting the resolution size at the end of the file name as a helpful reminder - viewing a kit file and the layout file side by side and dragging or copying elements in to the layout Thanks for making great Affinity content specific for scrapbooking. There's very little available and this has been a huge help and affirming of what I've tried to learn on my own. Blurb makes great premium magazines from scrapbook pages so looking forward to learning more in that class.
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