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Harmony Birch

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Harmony Birch last won the day on February 24 2023

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  1. And here is my take on number 7
  2. So here we go with number 6. I didn't like the main image overlying the side bar so changed the layout a little. First my card front . and then the four fold
  3. Here's my number 5, there is some of the background peeping out the top purposely, the bit of snowman that peeks through the ring, looks better with some background. the font is Star Jewel and the image is mine Hopefully my psp skills are a little better than my snowman making skills
  4. Getting close to catching up now here is my card 4. The font is called Curlz and the images are all mine
  5. Here goes with my lesson 3, the font is Wavy and all the images were freebies from Creative Fabrica
  6. So here goes with my number 2 I did something different, filling the areas on the template with promoted selections from the card, which I used inner belvel and drop shadow on. I then put a show all mask over the main layer and with the airbrish and one of the watercolour brushes I have sprayed some black in areas under the elements which reduced the visibility of the main picture making the promoted elements stand out more. I didn't feel like it needed any words
  7. Playing catchup, here's my number 1, I did several different versions of this for all the sizes of card blanks I have. This is the one I decided to share. I am making christmas cards for next year featuring my own christmas photos, hopefully it will stir family members memories as it stirs mine. This one I am showing I took the ribbon out and replaced it with the text
  8. Well I thought I posted this but something went haywire somewhere, the fonts are Alpha Kids and Bolditaschool
  9. No I rotated the lace first then added the shadow so no idea why it looks that way. The butterfly font not a layered font I added an inner bevel because on the whole I prefer my titles to have some body.
  10. Here's my no 6, Mask from Lady22, template-88 https://lady22.eklablog.com. The font is Butterfly Flutter
  11. Well here's my day 5, I used the ink splatter paint brush for the mask and the font is Agreloy. I went for a pretty monochrome design with this one.
  12. The bird works just perfectly with your photos
  13. Here's my lesson 4, 2 photos, 2 masks, made the background with a selection from the girls dress, applied balls and bubbles and seamless tile and used as a fill, then put a beige layer on top with an opacity of 50 to tone it down a little. The font is Eyeballs. Then just a couple of scatters and a ribbon to finish it off. .
  14. I had fun with this one, the fonts are Retro Daisy and Pristina
  15. Continuing with the theme of grandchildren, not all grandchildren are directly descended from your own flesh and blood that doesn't make them any the less important. The title font is Snap ITC, and the journalling font is Magneto. I used a free mask from Jessica Dunn's nesting mask kit. https://www.digitalscrapbook.com/jessica-dunn/kits/nesting-masks-kit-baby-birds-precious-love-black
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