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Lynda DiGregor

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Everything posted by Lynda DiGregor

  1. You really took the lesson to another level. Love your leaves.
  2. Lesson 2 and 3. A bit behind but I'm catching up. Thanks to all the well wishers. ?
  3. Hello everyone, It's good to be back at the computer. It's been hectic around here. First a shoulder replacement (another one to come), then the sale of our house. It sold in 4 days and we had to be out in 26 days. We are now living in our RV waiting for our new house to be built. We're in Sycamore RV Park in Illinois for about 5 weeks, so now a bit of down time. Yay! I was able to do the first Vector lesson today. No frills, just the lesson. Time for number 2!
  4. Mary, love your birthday celebrations for your greats. Lynda
  5. Monique, Happy 80th birthday to your Uncle... it's a milestone! Time to celebrate. Lynda
  6. Elephant is Sheila Reid at Creative Fabrica, the ribbon is made by myself, the font is Babyface
  7. Giraffe graphic, Will You be My Valentine graphic, and Agustine Script font are all from Creative Fabrica. Corners are Carole's heart brush.
  8. Not doing a good job of catching up but here are a couple for Workshop 3
  9. Got carried away...https://scrapbookcampus.com/gallery/index.php?/image/538-happy-birthday-smjpg/
  10. I just got started so I'm a bit behind. First card Carole asked where the watercolors came from.. You can get them at Digital Scrapbook/Pixelscrapper .
  11. I used the watercolor technique but I used an Abstract Scribble brush instead of a watercolor brush.
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