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Posts posted by Cristina

  1. Sharon, lovely layouts! The way I found for myself to continue learning was to participate in the challenges, where I can practice all the tutorials that Carole has to offer. Besides that, it is a way to get inspired by all the creative layouts that my scrapbook friends --as Annie always says :) -- post here.
  2. Dear Dawn, thank you so much for your kind comment on my layout. I really appreciate!


    I indeed have enough photos to choose -- mine and the ones that are sent me-- but I only use them to scrap because of Carole's challenges... The challenges are an incentive for me to do something with the pictures as I like to practice a technique or an idea.


    Hugs and best wishes <3

  3. Annie, isn't this webinar great? I still have to practice creating the room, carpet... It is great to use the pick tool and make all these things... LOL about your shadow comment... Very nice work!


    Sharon, you are not alone having to watch the tutorials again and again. You made great layouts. Well done!

  4. Sharon, very nice layout!


    Annie, thank you so much so your kind comment! <3 ... About your flower, what a good idea to use the string. Very creative and came out great.


    Michele, thank you! <3  ...And yes, it was a great trip: mild temperatures, good food and so many places to visit. We drove about 1500 km, even we were surprised... The card you created is beautiful and I like everything about it... I love how the corner punches came out. Dawn had a great idea to use them this way. I have to try it sometime

  5. I finally was able to come up with a layout to practice the tutorials Multi photo Template, Watercolor, and Swirls from the LAB9-Module 3, and the String Art from the String Theory Webinar. For the last one, I made something simple... I have to watch the video a few more times to create an elaborate element as Carole showed.


    It was so much fun to create a watercolor pattern... the tutorial is very interesting and there were many things that were new to me.


    From Marisa Lerin I used the "ps_marisa-lerin_6612_grid-15-overlay"

  6. Dawn, I don't think you are overusing the corner punches... The different ways you use them is an inspiration to me. I love them too but I tend to use them in just one way. I learn a lot from everyone here... You all are very creative! <3


    Darlene, your layout is lovely! And a great way to keep the memory of this happy moment.

  7. Dear Dawn, your card is beautiful... You are always so creative using the Corner Punch... I love it! I remember one that was also in a big size and you added beads... It was lovely.


    Forgot to mention, I love Card 12 and the cheerful image!


    Hugs and best wishes to you too <3

  8. Dawn, Annie, Darlene, Michele and Teri, all your layouts are lovely, creative and a joy to see. Great work, ladies!


    I am trying to come up with layouts for the different challenges but I haven't been very creative lately... I start something and then I get stuck... I will keep on trying lol

  9. Annie, both layouts are lovely... You always have perfect photos to match the theme. And what a cutie this koala!


    About the second one, I love the colors and the way you arranged the photo around the title... Is this the linoleum pattern? It looks amazing. Great work!



  10. When I started this layout, my idea was to practice the tutorials from the Lab9-M03 (Dotted Swirls/Watercolor/Multi Photo template)... First I did the template (also copy some ideas from cass-Multiphoto-Frame2-12photos freebie).


    But having a second look at the photos, I decided to use the tutorials from the Lab6-M05 (Cartoon Words/Burst Shape/Half-tone Pattern).


    For the clipart of the girl superhero (dumielauxepices.net) I decided to use the technique that was taught on the Pop-Up Master Class... I love this webinar... The same technique I used for the title.


    I used cass-KidnapAlpha-sample in the title. The black paper is from BellaGypsy-soulsisters_solid1.


    The ideas for the title and phrases are from the Inspiration Layout of the Lab6-M05.

  11. Michele, thank you so much for your kind comment. <3


    Creating layouts for me is like you choosing the pictures, sometimes they come easily and other times is a struggle... also depends on how inspired (or not) I am... For this simple layout, I tried so many different papers, moved the photos around and created dozens of the circle element with different colors and papers, until I had something that pleased me... But it is fun no matter what... I don't like everything that I do but I see it as a learning process.

  12. This is a layout I started some time ago and never finished... I had the photos and some ideas on how I wanted to be, but as I was working with it, I changed everything... not unusual :)


    Papers are freebies from RkSk (Robin Acker) "Wild Side" - Pixel Scrapper Blog Train Feb 2019.


    I used Cassel's free Polaroid Script for the photos and create the two elements following the tutorial from the Basic Scrap Course-Day 5.


    For the title, I created in white and then Effects>Texture Effects>Sculpture>Wood Texture


    Fonts: Areno Serif and Amienne.

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