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Annie Tobin

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Posts posted by Annie Tobin

  1. I have many scrap kits and tubes by Alicia Mujica ... needless to say, I love her style.  As my mojo has all but deserted me I thought why struggle trying to create my own elements, papers, layouts etcetera when I could use the trillions (slight exaggeration) I have accrued over the years.  So, until my mojo reappears that is what I shall do.


    The tube is called Idaly and the scrap kit is called November, all of which were created by Alicia Mujica.  The layout is by Elif Sahin from Pixel Scrappers and the background paper is ... wait for it, drum roll ... me, myself and I.  It was achieved by an accumulation of layers and different blend modes which is the kind of playing I like to do.  Font used for Idaly is cubu and the font used for the November title is Always Beside You.


    Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D

  2. Dear Cristina, I hope you are able to source the ginger spiced whiskey. It is not available here in Australia. We do have Stone's Green Ginger Wine which is very heady but much too sweet for me and I would tend to use it more for cocktails. Like yourself I am still struggling with my creative inspiration. I come up with an idea and as soon as it appears the desire drifts away. One day at a time apparently must be the way for you and I at the moment. Perhaps the planets are not in a good alignment for us, lol! It is funny really as I feel more comfortable at this pace so perhaps less is more for me! ;D
  3. Corrie, I just wanted to say that I don't think the orange paper needs any texture, it is lovely just as it is. You really have created a delightful page my friend, colours, stamp, elements ... everything about it. Sometimes simplicity is the best as it is more eye catching. Overdressed pages tend to confuse and distract. Well done Hon. ;D
  4. Hello Scrapbook Campus Friends.  Ginger Spiced came about because of my love for ginger.  The photo is from Unsplash.  The title alpha comes from Marisa Lerin of Pixel Scrappers.  The corner cluster was made from psp tubes I have in a folder ... which is now rather full to overflowing!  The background papers are my own creation.  Thanks for takin a peek!
  5. Hi Kaedee.  Welcome to this lovely family.  I am an Aussie and I appreciate your tongue in cheek humour.  Aussies and Kiwis have a special bond.  I have been lurking here for the past six months cos my mojo is playing hide and seek and has currently got the better of me.  Because this is such a fabulous place to learn and expand your PSP knowledge I will not relinquish my Diamond membership.  I will survive!  You have come to the right place Kaedee and I wish you the very best with your psp exploits.  All the members are super helpers! ......Annie T
  6. Thanks dear Cristina. It is a global depression that is settling in and for those of us who suffer from that dreadful malady it is like trying to stay on the surface of quicksand. I am usually able to stay in touch with my mojo but this time it appears to have ideas of its own, :( I am attending the Using Scripts in Paint Shop Pro webinar this morning so perhaps that will give me a creative boost. Lovely to hear from you my friend, stay safe and well. <3
  7. Hi Dear Bonnie. I am fine my friend, I think I may have caught the depression of Spirit that is a by-product of COVID! Really struggling with my creative mojo but this simple cluster challenge has sparked my interest ... here's hoping! I hope all is well with you and yours. <3
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