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Julie Magerka

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Julie Magerka last won the day on July 5

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  1. My passion for perennials in the garden has faded (just going with what I already have), but I am finding tropical plants to be something fun. We have a garden centre not far from here that has been around for many years and specializes in cacti, succulents, and tropicals. Picked up this one (photo) which is just so eye-catching. It's a member of the turmeric/ginger family and therefore very tender in our climate. It will have to come indoors. I also have two orchids which require very little of me. I tried (and tried) to work some picture tube around part of the frame, but I just don't have the hang of drawing the lines yet, and have a limited choice of tubes. The pen tool lines look too irregular and jerky, even when I try to adjust the nodes. I CAN, however, do the interlacing part. More practice is necessary. Sigh, it's always something....
  2. I'm with you Corrie. Instagram holds no appeal for me.
  3. I really enjoy these song challenges. So many to choose from that inspire different ideas for the layout. Then I don't have to worry about a shortage of my own pix. The pic of Bob Marley is from online, maybe Pixabay. I made the reggae colours with a small canvas with three colours, blurred the results, and and then masked it for a messy background splash. Then added text on a torn piece of paper. Film mask from Katie Pertiet. Font at bottom is 1942 Report. Some background elements thrown in too.
  4. Great background paper blending! Works perfectly with your image.
  5. Nicely done Fiona. I've been working on interlacing some tubes around a frame, but not happy with any results yet.
  6. Huh? Whatcha mean manually?
  7. I heard something on the radio about giant creatures like this that roamed (or swam) long before dinosaurs. Wouldn't want to meet this one or any of those others!
  8. I just realized I spelled the state wrong! Good grief!
  9. U = underwater (cheap trick)
  10. I've only ever had goldfish in my life, and those when I was a kid. It broke my heart then to flush them away when they were found floating on the top. I preferred cats; they seemed to last longer. Seahorses, now, are absolutely fascinating to me. Sometimes I forget they're real and think of them like I do unicorns. Sadly, they are also endangered. (What isn't anymore?) Just a simple layout to showcase a photo (Daniel Clode) from Unsplash. Most elements from Katie Pertiet Designs.
  11. There they are - the July 4th gnomes! Glad to hear you're getting better Michele. I've heard about lots of pneumonia going around lately. Kinda scary.
  12. Sounds as if your garden centres are more general purpose than the ones we have. I love to visit them in the winter for something warm to do, but most don't offer much more than plants and garden supplies. It would be great to have a cafe in them! I also usually come home with a new plant! Glad you made it home safely with the larger plant. Here, fish and accessories are available at separate pet supply stores.
  13. Marking that date on my calendar! Congrats again.
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