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Julie Magerka

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Julie Magerka last won the day on June 20

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  1. Congratulations! I'm sure it feels good to hold it in your hands and see the result of all your work. 🥰
  2. I suppose it's human nature to see the grass as greener on the other side! But I have not been a fan of excessive heat & humidity for many years. Canadians talk about weather more than any other topic.
  3. In southwest Ontario, in communities near the lake(s), we get an infestation of fishflies (also called mayflies and shadflies) in June. They have an interesting and short lifespan. When they emerge from underwater to procreate (their sole purpose), they create swarms in the hundreds of thousands. Wherever there is light at night (street lights, shop windows, houses, etc), they congregate and leave piles of dead carcasses on sidewalks and streets. They also smell. But they are harbingers of a healthy water system so should be more welcome than they are. The clean up is often done with hoses and shovels. It's a typical early summer event. (All pix from online, local postings)
  4. I have struggled with the horizontal split layout for a while since Carole posted this challenge. I think I must like vertical better! Yours is lovely.
  5. I have used KeePass (free) for many years. Same idea as LastPass, only one p'word to remember. I also have a portable version on a USB so I can take it with me.
  6. Oh, I just dream about cool weather. The A/C got fixed next day, but it felt like a longer time than that. I had to be out in the sun today (I use a hat and sun umbrella) for a few hours and I'm just done in! Temps feeling like 104-106 F.
  7. You said it so well about the change in MODE! I have to always remind myself: am I on the right layer? Is the mode in edit? Do I have the pen tool selected? These vectors are demanding.
  8. I have actually read Goethe's book, but in English of course!
  9. I feel the same way. Don't want all my wonky distorted vector shapes taking up space!!!!
  10. You stuck it out and got it! That's what I have to do every time I tackle vectors.
  11. Way to go Ann. This was the leaf I used and did something wrong on. Yours worked great.
  12. It's a beautiful creature! I've never seen one. With such a short lifespan, one wonders what it accomplishes in its time.
  13. Thanks Sue for referring to the masterclass that shows how to create that text effect. I've seen folks use it and couldn't remember how it's done.
  14. Just gotta keep working on these. Not for any lesson design, just for fun. My initials and then a snowgirl to remind me of nice crisp cold weather which I am craving right now!
  15. Yup, cats! They're in charge. Nice shapes too.
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