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AprilDawn last won the day on July 7

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  1. Corrie thanks so much for your kind words..... Susan Ewart.. thank you also for the comments you posted about my card. years ago i did traditional painting but had to give it away for health reasons.... but i have had the urge to try my hand at digital art and it is a new learning experience.. hopefully will be able to do more florals and a few scenes. Thank you to all who have left hearts for my card i appreciate it very much best wishes Dawn.
  2. i have been having a go at Digital Art painting in a free software called Krita and the Daisy/gerbra kind of flower is my first attempt. i am hoping i will improve enough to do some more artwork this way for my card making. .. wasn't sure whether i should post this one, however my hubby thought it was good enough and encouraged me to post. the frame is another parchment one purchased years ago and have bevelled it and used luminance legacy mode on the layer. sprigs and leaves are from a brush set used in previous cards. blue flowers are from another purchased kit i also got a few years ago .... Best wishes to everyone... Dawn.
  3. hello Michele, glad you found the brushes. The lace is actually a parchment overlay that is in the kit i purchased. hello Cristina a really pretty page with Olivia. Best wishes to you both, Dawn.
  4. Thank you Mary for your kind words.. there are some good abr brushes out there and the one i used has leaves and shapes that can be used like i did on card... i would also like to take this opportunity to say you are creating beautiful works and i enjoy viewing them... i hope you have some joy in experimenting with brushes. best wishes, Dawn.
  5. i have been making a couple of thinking of you cards... this one i have used a rose created from a purchased script from joannes digital design, not sure if her site is still active... used 2 brushes from a free abr brush by olesia brushes which i found at my photoshop brushes site. one brush i added small flowers with a psp tube the other i added coloured tips and both were beveld. the parchment lace and leaves are from purchased kits that i got when i was using craft artist long before i got psp...also cass chain beads. Best wishes to everyone.... Dawn.
  6. Hello Susan, your Good Bye card is beautiful ! best wishes Dawn.
  7. Thank you Cristina for your kind words, you have always been encouraging in your comments and it is appreciated. best wishes Dawn.
  8. Thank you Michele always appreciate your kind words. i am going to try to make a card every day to get my brain active again. Corrie your Candle is beautiful. well done.. love it and will look great in a card. the card i am posting is a birthday email card. Flower is free from chantalia design...paisley lace sort of thing is created with a Ps brush that i use in PSP i downloaded it some time ago and the beads are done with cass. chain beads tube and the font is Brock Script. Best wishes to everyone.... Dawn. i could not remember where i got the free brush from so i went looking and found it...i found it on a site called antarasdiary.com it is set 28 when you click on download it takes you to brusheezy.com.
  9. Thank You Susan .. appreciated very much. best wishes to yo Dawn.
  10. hello everyone, this is a friendship card i have made. the floral paper and leaves are from a purchased kit a few years ago. the flower is free from chantalia design and the sentiment is a digi stamp from Power poppy....... best wishes...Dawn.
  11. Hello Cristina Thank you for your welcome back greeting... appreciate the kinds words very much. Thank you also to Susan Ewart, Ann Seeber, Michele, Corrie, Bonnie and Julie Magerka for your welcome back messages. Please forgive me if i have missed anyone. as i am trying to learn how all the new forum works it is different from the old one.. but i am sure in time i will get used to it again. best wishes Dawn.
  12. had trouble uploading images... trying again
  13. Thank You Bonnie and Julie for your welcome back greetings. i appreciate it very much. it will take some time for me to get use to the new campus format. I am posting a couple cards i have been doing the past couple weeks. The scene card i used a photo from unsplash which is in the background and then made a copy and used a plugin called Gmic which will work in PSP and a filter in it called Dream Smoothing to give the effect inside the frames created. I really liked the result it gave. The floral card i kept it simple by using the colours from pattern which i got from a free bundle of patterns . i made a selection of a flower and used leaf shapes to create a kind of cluster.
  14. Hello everyone, it has been a long time since i was here in the campus. I have had some very challenging health issues that have been hard to cope with and was not making any cards. however the last couple of months I have had the urge to try and make them again so have been having a play in PSP once again. i will post some later.... I just want to say that i have been looking at what you all have been doing and you all have done beautiful creations...... Best wishes to everyone.... Dawn.
  15. there has been lovely cards made for day one so far... enjoyed viewing them. I will be making cards for various occasions .. Day one is a Birthday card. happy card making to everyone. Dawn.
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