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Posts posted by Randy

  1. I have seen such great work by other participants.


    I like the things I have learned.


    I don't think I would have ever wandered into the area to be able to create the Linoleum.


    I decided to play around with other settings for "Displacement Map" and ended up with what I consider a pretty nice design that I could use in the future for a background.


    CTRL+Y is a new friend :)


    Thank you, Carole.



  2. Nicely done! I think everything fits together so well. I struggle with knowing which colours go with which but I recognize that everything in your composition works so well. Thank you for sharing.
  3. Carole,


    What you say about continuing is so true, and armed with new techniques and knowledge about use of tools never used or never used in a new way, it is also fun to get from where we were to where we now can go.


    Thank you so much for introducing us to new things. I need to experiment more with PSP.

  4. Here is my result for Day 5.


    I started out trying to have the picture as the focus but realized somewhere along the way that it was necessary to make it smaller. But the exercise to get the mask with an element related to the picture seemed to come together well.  Thank you, Carole for your teaching of how to do things in PSP.

  5. Day 3 - I am certainly looking for spring.


    And I am certainly enjoying this workshop.


    I was having difficulty putting the elements in a way that looked good.  But I liked the final product. Using round corners on the rectangle that I placed the text upon looked much better than square corners for this one.


    Even though I have used the Kaleidoscope many times, I really like the method of using it to form a seed pattern to use to create a paper for background.


    Even though I have never considered Scrapbooking as something that I wanted to pursue, I am liking some of the creations.


    Carole, thank you again.




    And thank you to all who post and share their ideas which inspire me.







  6. I can see why this is a favourite. It is a work of art! Thank you for sharing with us. To anyone who reads this and has not seen me comment, sorry about that, there are so many beautiful things to look at. Refreshing and challenging!
  7. Mask 2 - I have found the masks challenging. I cannot always get the images to be clear. I am not exactly sure in some cases why they look washed out. I have been trying adjusting brightness and other things to improve.  Maybe just something that will come with time.




    I like the plaid. My plaid background is actually two Patterns in separate layers that I used the  Blending mode to get what I wanted. My first pattern was pretty much two colours which made the main image hard to separate from the background.


    The font I used is freehand591 BT



  8. Masks project 1 - Here goes. I really like the effect that the mask had on the flower that is in the centre. That is something I will want to do again. I think that I will try to capture the steps in a script and see how that works.
  9. QP7 - I finally got here. It is strange that sometimes when I am sick, I get some of those things done that I had not gotten to. It was nice to have these Quick pages to work on to pass the time.  I decided to do an Easter Egg theme. I started out with an ellipse as the starting point for my eggs and went from there.  Once I got my egg done with multiple layers of decreasing size and colour, I used that as a base for some Kaleidoscope effects. I also used blend effects and merge layers. In one case, I moved a copy of the egg to the left, leaving the original underneath and then mirrored a copy of the egg moved to the left to the right - and because I did everything after the first egg was created with a selection around the original egg, I was able to merge visible layers to new layer and copy the selection and paste as a new layer and remove the background.


    When I was playing around with the Kaleidoscope, I noticed that some hearts began to appear so I spent some time tweaking to get them to a point that I really liked. Playing around with the tools can be very helpful.


    Speaking of backgrounds, I decided to put a background behind the quick page because I had a transparent area outside of my eggs. Then I decided to copy and paste the background I created and change the colour. That caused a surprise for me because I had not noticed that in moving things around I had moved a background to the right. So I had two different colours for background. And I liked that so i did something similar for the right side of the background.


    I even decided to create a video of my screen while I created the eggs so that I could review again if I have any questions about what I did to get through each stage.


    I might make more eggs. :)


    I HAD FUN and am thankful for this workshop.  Thank you, Carole.





  10. QP6 - People don't like me sharing their pictures so I just went with this. Even when I don't have anything that I can use, the use of PaintShop Pro and the tips that Carole drops in are helpful.  Thank you, Carole, for these workshops.  I thought I had put some text here but it may be one of those disappearing text within a selection problems. :)
  11. QP5 - Before Covid, I used to do a lot of walking outside. Now not so much but am hoping that this summer will be better.  Anyway, this reminds me of the beauty I would see along the trail (and birds in the sky that you might not be able to see) and one of the distance markers.
  12. Quick Pages 3 – I wanted to add add a title but the font I chose did not look good crossing the lines and I did not think I could make it work with an individual letter between each vertical stripe.  My solution was to copy the area of two vertical strips, rotate 90 degrees, stretch it out and use as a background for my text. I cropped area that went beyond the stripes so that the vertical lines touched the lines from what I had copied and pasted.


    I tried other colours for the text and this one seemed to stand out the best so I decided on it.


    I know this is about quick pages but I really did not feel it was complete until I did this.

  13. For Quick Page 1, I added the picture of the Hoya and chose to put the name of the flower on the flags.




    I did not realize that there was a separate place to share the Quick Pages. So I had entered in the February forum for pages 1,2 and 3.



  14. Quick Pages 3 - I wanted to add add a title but the font I chose did not look good crossing the lines and I did not think I could make it work with an individual letter between each vertical stripe.  My solution was to copy the area of two vertical strips, rotate 90 degrees, stretch it out and use as a background for my text. I cropped area that went beyond the stripes so that the vertical lines touched the lines from what I had copied and pasted.


    I tried other colours for the text and this one seemed to stand out the best so I decided on it.


    I know this is about quick pages but I really did not feel it was complete until I did this.





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