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Anja Pelzer

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Posts posted by Anja Pelzer

  1. 8 hours ago, Doska St. said:

    I still have the question of how to outline text with a color. I didn't find anything in the PSP help, nor did I search for a tutorial in the forum.

    hallo Doro, wenn du den Text schreibst, dann benutzt du die Hintergrundfarbe und die Vordergrundfarbe ist ausgeschaltet.

    wenn du diese einschaltest und die Farbe auswähst, dann die Strichstärke ändern

    so sieht es mit und ohne aus



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  2. 6 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

    A TIP I LEARNED IN BOOTCAMP: Anja posted a layout showing a trip to a zoo and I was struck by the use of a rather, radically offset shadow that really enhanced the image of a stork. It also reminded me to always have the Shadow on Separate Layer box checked, in case I want to adjust a shadow further. Here's the illustration that I saw...


    I extracted the stork from another photo and saved it as a new image.
    then inserted into my layout, duplicated and made the duplicate black. like a silhouette. I then adjusted the silhouette using the perspective tool and scaling tool. Reduced the opacity and used Gaussian blur several times

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Doska St. said:



    It was a lot of fun, no problems arose this time, and I figured out a few things myself (I like to sharpen straight away when I reduce it). I just wish I had known where you can bend text, for example into a semicircle. The "Peak-Blues" kit is from Tiny Turtle, the photo is mine and the fonts are Oliver and Orlando Samuel.


    there are a few articles in the Blog about Text on Path - <  https://scrapbookcampus.com/?s=text+on+path,

    there is also a button for pdf , you can click and safe it to your Tutorial folder

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  4. 25 minutes ago, Jannette Nieuwboer said:

    She dies young Anja. 55 and a half. Mine last year as well but she was 78 years. I hope you can get 'Frieden' when you are reading comforting words in the holy book you added

    thank you Jannette, she was 5 years younger then me, and she left a hubby and a 10y old daughter

    we are all in deep grief. but I know she is with us in our hearts

    • Sad 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Doska St. said:

    I have a problem with the new PSP Ultimate 2023. I can't fill the photo edges with white even though I clicked everything step by step according to the Video. What mistake am I making (see screenshot) or is it due to changed working conditions in the newer version?

    I also saved everything and restarted the program and tried filling again, nothing...

    ich starte gleich mal die 2023 und schaue nach, zur Zeit bin ich immer im 2022,

    ich muss aber erst meine Einkäufe verräumen

    Hallo Doro ich habe auf dem Screen gesehen , dass der Zauberstab nicht richtig eingestellt ist

    dort muss Hinzufügen -- Deckfähigkeit -- und Toleranz - auf 0 

    Es kann aber auch sein das der Farbeimer nicht richtig eingestellt, man kann es kaum lesen , bei mir steht er auf Ohne - statt RGB 

    leider kann ich nicht sehen was bei Mischmodus steht , dort sollte Normal stehen und Deckfähigkeit 100large.sreen-fr-Doro.jpg.e0ba88e43f2b357e5540d38f8351b9fe.jpg

    ich hoffe es klappt nun 

  6. 2 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

    Thank your the information.  I love that kit and found it at oscraps.com.  What a great website.  I did put it on my wishlist hoping it comes on sale since it's in pounds (1 pound is $1.60 CAD).  it's adds up once you get over 5 pounds.

    sometimes I spent some money for lovely kits, but they must be on sale,  good luck Susan

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  7. 1 hour ago, Cassel said:

    @Anja Pelzer It is great to see the difference between two bootcamps! Hopefully, it will inspire the newcomers! I love that stitching you used in your layout. Can you share what supplies you used (if you remember)?

    my image is linked to gallery , there is the kit info

    I used a kit named Lily Pond made by Lynn Anselc, all in the layout is from the kit. 

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  8. here is my new sandwich, background from a pattern I made for a while.

    for bread, cheese and meat I used the scripts - - Breads 2, Cheese and Cookies

    the other toppings are from Picturetube - burgertoppings


    this is an older one from January Bootcamp



    have not changed my workspace , I love this one

    I am not sure which photos I will use


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