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Anja Pelzer

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Posts posted by Anja Pelzer

  1. Wow, I must say I have not finished all my pages only january february and the cover


    all Calendars are so beautiful and so different,  great work and big applause to all


    thank you Carol for this challenge , the tuts and the videos


    I learned again a lot more , I think I need a bit more time to finish all my calendar pages



  2. Something from the store blog (any freebie).

    Something black.

    Something round.

    Something with a number.

    Something attached to something else.

    Something with a hole.

    Something that starts with the letter ‘T’.

    Something lifted from the paper.

    Something you made from scratch.

    Something made of wood.

  3. wonderful layouts you all created, love all the differences


    I made the paper from a photo and added some texture, used the edgemagic script on the photos and dropshadows


    also used the buttonmaker script and a rope tube by cassel and the wonderful free alpha


    I tried the watermark on one photo



  4. I want to say Hi to all of you ,


    my name is Anja . in the web my name is Ayla, I live in Germany with my Son Kai, in a town - Aachen near the Netherlands and Belgium


    I love to scrap my photos and love challenges, I create templates for scrapbooking and minikits


    the programs I used are Photoimpact 10 and X3,  and old version of Photoshop CS2.


    a few years ago I had PSPx1 and tried a german online kurs in an german forum. but my Pc crashed.


    Now last week I bought PSPX9 and try to work with it, I bought some script from Cassel and try around with them


    I am not good in english videos because it is hard for me to follow the words - translate and following the mouse to the menues.


    I am more comfortable with written tutorials and some screens , so I can look to it and find all in my german version of psp with a little help from the screens and translator.


    here are some of my works with PSCS2  and photoimpact



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