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Posts posted by kasany

  1. Carole, the photos in Project3 have been corrected a bit  in PSP9-OneStepPhotoFix. I cannot do anything in JK's cellphone. I'm glad I have shots from his cellphone:))))))

    I've corrected a little bit photos in my Project4, but it was impossible to add SUN, sorry. I'm happy it was not snowing when JK has been there. 



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  2. Merry Christmas from Poland:) Teddy Bear is Santa here,  a naked tree has been dressed. Everything from good Auntie Carole:). I and TB say TANKS to her:)))))))) Fonts Hurry Loves - free.


    BTW, I hope, you know FIFA World Cup ended. Messi and company won. Super last match and Argentina:))))))

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