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Everything posted by kasany

  1. Carole, you were right , TB means Teddy Bear.
  2. Och, known, nice company:)))))))))))))))))
  3. FEBRUARY14. Funny and sweet text /IMHO/ found in the net. Red heart-a waterculor shape, stars-Astronomy font.
  4. SUBSET. You know, JK likes mountains. I use pics he sends to me, I use right now a mask 'Send Me an Angel' created by me in PSP.
  5. L4corrected. btw, Carole, thank you very much for nowaday activity:)))))
  6. Very interesting theme of the pics.
  7. Day4. Outsige is fine but better inside. Not only Teddy Bear thinks so; ) Done without scripts but probably it would be easier with them;)
  8. Recent JK's trip to the mountsims, I created a mask, used a handweitten font.
  9. Jacek loves mountains. He often goes there, Once I've seen a template, which I use here ( coz I created it with PSP). I already know to see/watch many templates, don't copy them at once.
  10. I like your work thanks to its fine symethry:)
  11. Nice to see you :)))))))))
  12. Oldest Wrocław where Jacek was. He took a great shot. I admire it so my old .gif has been found. My works with emoticons /based on Carole's preset shapes/ will be done later.
  13. Jacek is in Wrocław nowadays He met a gnome there, I've got a shot.
  14. These pics are spectatulare and I am not surprased when my friends arrive to Greenland to see it.
  15. Fractal ChristmasCard created with Incendia-fractal generator.
  16. ChristmasCard2. My favorite FulterForgeFreePack5, Carole's Alpha and SantaClaus' cap: )
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