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Plugins on PSP 2021 do not work. Can anyone help? Please?

Myriam Cedro

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Plugins on PSP 2021 do not work. Can anyone help?


Hello everyone. I just registered with the Forum.

I think I did the most stupid thing in the Universe by buying a Paint Shop PRO 2021. I threw money in the trash. Most of the Plugins that worked perfectly in the 2020 version do not work in the 2021 version. I have already imported that they accepted to be imported into the Unlimited Filters - But I still find the debauchery, a disdain, a joke in very bad taste of COREL the fact of incompatible the uses of plugins in version 2021. In time, I'm using a Google translator. My native language is Portuguese. I'm sorry if something I wrote seems strange or out of place. Hugs.

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Hi Myriam, welcome to the Campus. Google translate is fine.


PSP2021 has 2 versions: 32-bit and 64-bit. You need to install both versions because older plugins are 32-bits.


The fact that old plugins don't work with PSP2021 is not Corel's fault: it is because the plugin's author didn't update them. Corel has to stay up-to-date with Windows and new machines. That is why it offers both versions to the user.


Did you start with the trial version of PSP? The trial version only has 64-bit. If you want to install both 32 and 64-bit, you will have to UNINSTALL the trial version and install a different downloaded version (and NOT just unlock the trial version).


Let us know if that makes sense for you.

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Hello, Cassel!


Thanks for replying ... I bought the original version of PSP 2021- It is not a trial version.

I installed both versions - 64 and 32 and it is precisely in the 32-bit version that the plugins do not work.


I also have all the DLL's - I imported what was possible for the Unlimited Filter


COREL destroyed the Paint Shop Pro after it purchased the program from JASC. I am furious and sorry to have spent my money. Without Plugins, this Program is just a "space and memory thief" on my PC.


What irresponsibility of COREL - Remove features and still have the courage to say that it has updated and improved a version? It spoiled and destroyed the program.


My 2020 was a trial version ... and I lost it. I'm really upset.


Thank you for responding!



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I will have to disagree with you on Corel's responsibility: the same problem happens with other programs. Older plugins often don't work anymore, even in Photoshop. Some plugins are 10 or 15 years old, and are outdated. In fact, Corel made sure that a 32-bit version was still available, but they cannot match hundreds of plugins; it is the plugins' author's responsibility to update their plugins.


There are many things that PSP can do without plugins, and there are still several plugins that do work with PSP.


It has added some great functionalities over the years, like the Magic fill, text wrapping, Selection brush, and more. Of course, it is possible that some of those new tools are not needed for you and your work, while other users do love those new additions.


If you want to achieve something and don't know how to do it with PSP, just ask and we will be here to help.

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Hello,. Casel!

I insist on Corel's responsibility, because until version 2020 - all plugins - or the vast majority of them - worked. What changed from version 2020 to 2021? Filters have not changed. What has changed is the PSP version. Last year the filters were as old as they are today and perfectly fit in the Paint Shop 2020. So ... I say again: The filters were already old and still worked in 2020 ... The change in some line of the PSP programming code for version 2021, the filters stopped working. all the people I know who were not as stupid as I am to the point of upgrading to version 2021 are very happy with all their old and outdated filters working in full force. What can I do? Apparently, just regret it.


Thank you for your attention!

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I don't know if it has anything to do with it or not but....Yesterday (Saturday Nov 08, 2020), Windows did a rather long update on my putor & following that DELL did a huge update on the putor.  All in all in took a couple of hours. After that all of my plugins were not showing in my PSP 2020.  I tinkered with it a bit not understanding why they weren't showing.  I finally got some of them to show by going to the FILE LOCATIONs setting in PSP and check marking the box that reads: Allow file format plug-ins to request pre-filtering of support file types.  After that I got several of them back but still, many are not.  My favorites Alienskin Eyecandy and Superblade Pro are back so that makes me kind of ok until I figure out why the others aren't showing. Just an fyi, if anyone else is having the isssue since the last updates of windows and/or dell.
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  • 1 month later...
I am having the same issue. Caroline & sensibility isn't working shoot I have a bunch and half of them don't work I have even tried to use the fm patcher and that didn't work either. I get a pop up of something like memeory access violation display exception details yes no or cancel. and it continues to pop up until i click on the x in the top right. it is says at the top Filtermeister Run-Time Exception. Hopefully this is a little helpful.
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  • 1 month later...
I have been trying to get the Plugin "Simple" to work as well in the 32 bit PSP 2021 but it seems to crash the program each time. I have tried installing it in different locations to no avail. Carole if you have any information about this particular program I would appreciate it. Thank You in Advance.
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To all who has been having the same problems with the plugin "Simple" which turned out NOT to be simple:


1. I was able to install Filters Unlimited


2. Using PSP 2021 32 bit version- once I opened a file....chose Effects-Filters Unlimited I opened it


3. At the very bottom where it says IMPORT........click to where the individual files under the Simple folder reside


4. Choose all of the ones except the file extensions .txt and import........


5 You don't have to change the settings in File-Preferences-File Locations since you have already installed Filters unlimited


6. You now see the folder in Filters Unlimited called "Simple" and it will run there!


I have been working on this for 2 days and I was about to give up.....hopefully I will USE what is in Simple!


Thanks and hope this helps.

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Luckily I just upgraded to Paint Shop Pro 2021 Ultimate.  I just got a few plugins and they're working fine.  I also got Video Studio 2020 Ultimate.  And plugins for that too.  I've also got Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps, that's 20 apps I think including PhotoShop. Premiere Pro, Illustrator, etc.  So I'm well set for photo and video editing.
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Hi Myriam. All of those filters work for me in PSP 2021 32bit. None of them will work in the 64bit. Some filters can be loaded into Filters Unlimited but a few will not. I always have 2 versions of PSP running ... currently 2021 and X7. What won't work in 2021 will nearly always work in X7 ... just a matter of saving from 2021 and then opening in X7. All of the filters you mentioned are wonderful and I play with them a lot. I especially love Transparency as I create a lot of page overlays using that filter. I will be keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you. ;D
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Hi Annie!

I appreciate your response.

What I deeply regret is that I paid $ 79 for a 2021 upgrade that simply refuses to accept most of my filters - or at least the most interesting ones. Yes, I installed the 32 and 64 bit versions. The plugins do not work in the 32-bit version of 2021. I improvise as I can ... Thank you very much for your answer.







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