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BOOTCAMP July 2020


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Well who would have thought PaintShop Pro was more than a picture editor. I am learning a lot. And thanks for answering my questions.


Cassel, your name now makes sense. Coming from the era too, when names on email systems were shortened to eight letters, I know what you mean. I ran email systems for many years for up to 120 thousand users.


Looks like I can order your book from Amazon. Thanks.

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Love this bootcamp :)


The kit I used is a bit to bright for my liking I think, don't like this project as much as I did the others. :)


Had a bit of trouble with the borders, so will go and practice with that.


I haven't typed in English for a while, used to do that a lot, so sometimes it's hard to find the correct words. :)

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Hello every one.  I am a little late to bootcamp but Cassel was nice enough to manually allow me to join.  I finished bootcamp 1 and I chose the darker grey for my background.  I like the contrast.  I also finsished my sandwhich which I will post now.  See you at bootcamp 3.




SandraBootcamp 2

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Practice helps :)


My PSP is in Dutch so I have to translate settings :)


Carole, is there a setting that's most used for the shadow? Especially for he opacity and fade? I used 10,10, 50,20 now.


If you would like to make a project and print it as a 20/25 cm photo, will you still start with a 3600/3600 canvas or another setting?

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This was a tough one for me. The only easy new thing for me was the “Eraser” tool. It took umpteen tries to get the “Magic Wand” to work. It would work in blotches until I changed the opacity to about 50%. “Drop Shadow” feature is also tricky for me, your numbers don’t work on most of my layers, but I am working on it. So, along with the frustrations, I am enjoying this. As you can see I got a little carried away with the enhancements.

I enjoy looking at all the great projects, they inspire me.



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Project 4.


Some pics from a vintage plane meet. I added noise and sepia effects to age my lovely sharp digital camera images :-)


Got the hang of the serrated edge after a few trials.

Not sure Ive got the recoloring the text or using a texture firmly in my head. I think I arrived there more by accident. I tried to select a color from another picture using the dropper tool. The chosen color correctly showed in the materials palette (both foreground and background). Then when I went onto the text tool, the materials pallette reverted to the previous text colors when I selected the text. Maybe I need to watch that part again.



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Bootcamp #5


My daughter said she really liked this one.  I was a little  reserved about it.  Think it still needs a little work.   Loved learning the little tricks to save steps.  The kit I used was  "A bit of wear and tear"     designed by Gilda Paterson, Digital Design Den.  This kit is about 12 yrs old.  I tried looking up Digital Design Den on google but with a quick glance didnt see the original webpage or store.

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Day 9 Project #4


I had some challenges working on this - not because of the project, but because of weird things happening with PSP. I'm running version 2020. In the case of selecting the the edge, using Opacity, I did exactly the same thing as in the video, but it would not treat the selection as one area. I tried multiple times. I found 2 things that proved satisfactory alternate solutions: 1) if I selected the outside, rather than the inside of the photo 2) instead of Opacity with 0 tolerance, I used All Opaque for match mode. The latter option seemed to work perfectly.


The other issue I had, I can't explain at all.  All of a sudden, I couldn't select layers. I couldn't see my layers pallete,  and nothing was acting or appearing properly. I ended up closing PSP then restarting...no change. Then I rebooted and restarted PSP...no change. So I reset all my preferences to default and everything functioned properly after that. (I then went and re-updated my preferences and it all seems ok since.)


All of the troubles were yesterday and I decided to stop working on it last night. I finished it today. I like what I learned. I like adding the border to the photos, rather than having to create a new layer for each paper matte. I like the fun lettering possibilities also.


My digital kits is Dahlia (April 2016) from Club Scrap.

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Finally finished the latest project! I sort of let the Fruitloop kit lead the way and I found the photos from our Rotary Luau from 2018 and the colors worked well. My husband just passed away in Dec 2019 and Rotary was his love (aside from our movie theater!) I think I came in 3rd. ;) So this page turned into a homage to our Rotary days.


Cassel: I put the script in the proper folder but forget what I do with it in PSP? :) I was so busy finishing my Luau project that I didn't have time to experiment. Where do I look for it in my PSP2020?

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The other issue I had, I can’t explain at all.  All of a sudden, I couldn’t select layers. I couldn’t see my layers pallete,  and nothing was acting or appearing properly.


Frances Coutzen, because of the memory usage or harddisc space it is possible not to see your layers, that often get hidden behind < or > on top. If you go though to the taskbar to PSP20 and move your mouse there the files often pop-up.

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Hello! I'm a tad late to the party, having forgotten Boot Camp was starting. Where do I need to go to get started and catch up, please?


I think I found my answer. Are the tutorials emailed? I registered for boot camp, but haven't received any emails ?

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Fay, my goodness, if you can create projects that great when you aren't feeling well then I don't stand a chance.  LOL!  Do hope you are feeling better.


Tried to add shadows to my page by going to effects, photo, 3d, picked the block shape and color.  It's actually one of the main reasons I wanted to learn PSP as the software I'm currently designing in doesn't do them well.  But I didn't like the effect at all.  Looks nothing like the 3d effect that I was wanting.


Day 4 mentions giving us time to practice and watch the videos.  Is there a list or link to certain videos we are supposed to be watching?


So impressed with everyone's work!

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Susan, thank you.  ?  As far as I know there is no path Effects > Photo > 3D.  Under Effects you can select Photo or 3D Effects but there is no 3D under Photo Effects in PSP 2019.  I don't know about PSP 2020 and perhaps that is the version you are using.  There is an Instant Effects palette.  Is that what you mean?  Anyway, Carole will help you.  I think when Carole refers to "videos to watch" she means the instruction videos for each lesson which sometimes must be watched several times.
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Carole - Yes, I do import abr files into PSP2020.  But creating files via abrMate gives me a quick way to select the brushes I will use instead of importing 100 brushes.


On this project, it serves as proof you can teach an old dog new tricks.  I never used the Selections/Modify to add a border to an element.  Great short cut process.


For inspiration, I looked around my area (literally) and spotted one of the model boats I built.  Well, I've established my near obsession with nautical history.  I do belong to the Nautical Research Guild.


I present the results...

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Bill, yes, PaintShop Pro is much more than a "simple" photo editor. Compared to Photoshop (which has most of the publicity), it is very underestimated. On your project 4, you might want to add this handsome guy's name. Who knows if everyone knows who he is. :)


Monique, if you find that the colors of a kit (papers and elements) are too bright for your liking, you can tone them down. Go to Adjust > Hue and Saturation > Hue/Saturation/Lightness and lower the Saturation value. It won't change the colors completely but tone them down. The trouble with the border might be for a common reason (I should add that mention in the tutorial). When you fill with the Fill tool, make sure that the Match mode is set to None, and Sample Merge is UNchecked. Try that and see if it works better. For the settings for the drop shadow, there is not really any default since it will depend on the element and how thick you feel they are (since the shadow will differ). For papers, I will use 10,10,80,10. If you want to create a project of different dimensions, you don't have to start with 3600x3600 but it might depend on the supplies you use. Starting with the full-size image will allow you to use regular scrapbooking resources as is. If you start with a smaller image, some elements might simply be larger and you would have to resize them whenever you use them. So it depends on how you choose to work.


Sandra, you will have time to catch up! On your project for Day 3, did you forget the shadow on the bow? Will you add some information on this little princess on the page? For the Day 5 project, you know that you can always add something later, as long as you keep that .pspimage version. And I remember Digital Designer Den!


Lynn, simple tricks can make the projects more fun and creative!


Henry, when you selected the area with the Magic wand, where were you selecting? Typically, the Match mode should be RGB if you are selecting a color, or Opacity if you want to select an empty space. But you should also verify that Sample Merge is UNchecked as it can really mess up the result. For the shadows, what settings are you using? Typically, for a flat paper element, I will use settings around 10, 10, 80, 10.


Kathy, even though you might not like your projects for days 5 and 7, they look great! In fact, I think that the glitters look good on that project. Just a trick you can use in the future: if you have a tile that seems to not be as suitable, try reducing the Scale in the Materials properties; then the pattern can just become a sort of "texture" so for example, the glitters might no longer look like glitters.


Simon, the Text tool has been a little picky. In older versions of PSP, you could select the color before clicking to add the text and it would respect that color, while in recent versions, it tends to prefer you add the text first and change the color after (making sure the text is highlighted before changing). If a color is already applied, you need to highlight the letters or words, change the color, and click OK on the Materials properties dialog window. Try to see if it helps.


Fay, I see you added some white shadow to your text at the bottom to help legibility. If you were to blur it a bit and reduce the opacity, it will have the same effect without looking like sharp shadows. But you definitely have the correct idea to use the shadow in that manner.


Frances, is it possible that you have Sample merge checked? It can mess up the result. Glad you found a workaround. In PSP, there is often more than one way to get something done. It is like having a toolbox full of different tools.


Ben, you are doing extractions too? That is a good one!


Ann, yes, that is a colorful kit but it works great with those colorful photos. I am sorry for your loss. About the scripts, you should open the Script toolbar (View > Toolbar > Scripts), and then you will see the script you want to use in the drop-down list.


Cindy, everything is still going well? No issue in these projects? You are doing so well!


Diane, did you receive the emails for the Bootcamp? Each email with a tutorial will link you to the protected page with a password, where the video is. Each email has the subject starting with Scrap Bootcamp - Day X. Can you check your inbox (or maybe your spam)?


Susan (with no photo), some of your shadows seem to have different settings. The shadow for the vertical strip is on the left side instead of the right, and it seems to be grey. As mentioned by Fay, I am just referring to the videos of the Bootcamp.


Amparo, glad to see you back. I am sure you will have time to catch up as you don't seem to have any major problem so it should all work out.


Robert, be just a little careful with the shadows as it looks like your title is floating. For the Select Selection Border, do you want a fun trick? Make a selection, apply the Selection Border with a fairly large value (like 25 both sides), then apply it again, with a smaller value (like 10), and then again, with a smaller value (like 3). You will end up with a bunch of parallel selections!

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Hi All - Cassel thank you for all the positive feedback.


Here is today's project which are some king protea flowers from our garden.  I used some elements from Laras Digital World (Inner Peace), Ilonka (Hanami and One Fine Day) and Xuxper (Purity).  After a few practices managed to get the eraser to work to create the zig-zag edge.


Yesterday I asked Cassel "is it possible to change the colour of the border selection on a photograph after you have flood filled and then deselected?"  I said I would post the question here for anyone with the same query and this was her response:


As for changing the color on the edge of a photo, yes, it can be done. Depending on the situation, you could use different approaches.


-         If the photo is square/rectangular and straight, you can select the whole image with the selection tool by drawing a rectangle around it, then holding the Ctrl key, you can select the part of the photo itself, which will leave you the selection of that frame around. Then, you can fill that area with a different color.


-         If the photo is square/rectangular but it is not straight, you can use a similar method but using the Freehand selection tool set to Point to point and selecting from corner to corner for your photo


-         Another method that MIGHT work in all situations, depending on the colors of the photo, is to use the Magic Wand, set to RGB Mode and Contiguous checked. Select the border and as long as there is no identical color touching the border, it should give you a selection for that border that you can then fill with a different color.


So, maybe you can try one of those methods.

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