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May PHOTO SWITCH - Challenge


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Let's have some fun and share our creativity.


For this challenge, participants will be paired in the order of their posting. Poster 1 (after this post) will be paired with Poster 2, Poster 3 will be paired with Poster 4, and so on. You can post your name NOW even before the pairs are created as they will come as you post.


Once you have your "teammate", you will exchange ONE photo each and the other person will create a layout from it. If the image is 1000 pixels of less, you can post them in the forum. If they are larger than that, you can exchange emails through the messaging system so you can send the files.


Once the layout has been created, a 600-pixel version can be posted in the forum, and the original full-size version can be sent back to the teammate.


Are you up to this challenge?

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So Royanne and Shirley are now partnered. Connect with each other, sharing ONE photo (or more than one for a single layout) with the other with other meaningful information about it, and then, surprise your partner with a beautiful page.
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Thanks Royanne that's awesome and I see I worked out the timeframe pretty good. Quite dark to read but great information, also very authentic as you say, and the photo is so beautifully highlighted. The goods train used to pass by  our back section about 12.30 am every night and for a certain time in my life I was always awake using my nebuliser for my asthma so I thought back to that time.  I am late with yours because I have had issues with ny psp.  Problem solved now so I can make a start.  I love your garden where do you live?
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Hi Shirley, yes I agree the text is dark..... should have maybe tried a more rusty colour.   I live in rural Alberta, Canada .   We are about 1 hour east of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.   Our garden season here is short lived I would like it to last a couple of months longer.    My flowers are starting to come and really do not shine until late June.   I have some early bloomers and late bloomers but the majority of flowers are in late June / July.  Have a great day.
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Hi Royanne, Here I am at last, it took me some deep thought to think of a theme as I didn't want to take anything away from the beauty of your garden and I see you are there busy as a wee bee fighting the weeds. Because I didn't have a cleugh where to start, I decided to have a go at blending backgrounds and I was quite tickled with the result, so I had a starting place. I am a keen gardener too so I can see this id a big part of you. We are at the end of our gardening season here in New Zealand and winter is on it's way.
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Hi Bonnie.  This is the photo I will offer for you to scrap.  It is of my dog Jasper and was taken in 2012 when he was 4 yr old.  He passed last week so he never quite made it to 12 yrs.  He was a real character and definitely the problem child!  Dachshund and Jack Russell cross and he proudly exhibited every one of their undesirable traits, ;)   We have 2 other little yappers ... a mini foxy chi cross and a pug.  We are struggling with the change in family dynamics at the moment but, as you and I both know, time heals.  The love however remains and for that I am grateful.  All yours now my friend, thank you.
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Hi Bonnie.  Let's try with this one and if it doesn't work I will email it to you.  :)  After posting this I clicked on his name which brought up the picture then I right clicked and selected copy image then I pasted as a new image in PSP.  It should come out as size 4000 x 3000 pixels which can be downsized easily.  Sorry about that ... I must have been having a senior's moment ... I have a lot of those lately, lol!
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Thanks Annie, you are always so kind and it is nice to see you back I hope you are doing ok. Sorry for your loss its so sad when we lose our pets.  I can relate well. xx


Bonnie,  I checked Annies photo and it worked fine with option to enlarge on a 3600 x 3600  page when using the pick tool.

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Thanks Shirlz. I admit to going into a bit of a slump since Jasper has gone but I know it will pass. He was such a little character. When we got up of a morning he would jump around and bark a treat as a morning greet ... I miss that. This cold spell has given me an excuse to vegetate on the lounge and lose myself in movies and binge watching tv shows ... rugged up in pjs, dressing gown and uggies ... of course! I confess to being reluctant to 'get dressed for the day' and relish the opportunity to stay in the pjs if I am not going anywhere or expecting visitors, LOL! I hope you are doing well my friend and I am guessing that you would be way more used to cold weather than we are. <3
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Hi, Annie...here are mine. I am giving you 2 from which to choose. This is my cat Penny. She is a rescue as all my pets have been. She will do tricks for treats...she will sit, shake hands, sit up, high five with either paw and ring a bell. I taught these tricks to Poppy and Penny noticed Poppy getting treats so...Penny started doing the tricks...didn't have to teach her...she just followed Poppy's lead. When she sits up she shows her white belly and that's where her name came from...Penny for Penguin...as she looks like a penguin with that white surrounded by black. Oh...she loves boxes. I had just brought in the groceries in this box. Turned it up so it would take up less space while I put away the groceries and she claimed it. She thinks she is cute.


I resized these to 600 dpi as suggested for the forum...if you want them bigger I will repost...

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