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Basic project 4adventure

Diana Craft

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Good Morning Students, newbies and Old Timers... Carole, I hope I am getting closer to doing what I am supposed to do. You can't imagine how much time I had to spend on this, I finally muted the sound because the"YOU-DID-SOMETHING-WRONG-BELL" was driving me insane.  I am starting to feel more comfortable w/2020 now although somehow I lost my bound script" Open as a layer.rename script", and I haven't the slightest idea why or where it went nor have I been able to get  it back.


I used a kit by ps_marise-leerin14629_pond -life-on-mini-kit, from Pixel Scrappers to repeat the lily pond theme on a photo that was taken in Florida at Adventure Island or something like that,  I don't remember exactly but as soon as I saw this kit I thought of this image. I'm getting a little better with handling the layers now and I am so thrilled, I love layers.




This image is of my first grand-daughter, now 18 and working as a stage manager in New York. Known as Mackenzie as a child she is new called Mack. You can't see her big dimples here but hers are so adorable. I try to fit a picture in my mind when the crew yells , "Somebody get Mack out here!", expecting a burly strong man and out comes a beautiful young women who knows how to work those dimples.


I was a little disapointed when I saw the completed .jpg file because if I had known the background would be larger than it appeared I would have relocated the  bottom lily and pad farther down in the corner and the balance would have been better.  I enjoyed working on this project, I know it is out of order but I'll try to catch up on the missing lessons asap.




And Carol, I bought those border edges from you but for the life of me I haven't been able to get them to work. Perhaps I could bother you to let me know if they are on video somewhere.  I am so happy I can get in to watch the videos. I have spend a lot of time and I hope to spend a lot more, they are so very helpful and I thank you.


Group hug,


Diana aka PandorasHatBox

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