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Bootcamp - March 2020


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Hello my friends, I've been gone so long and am so far behind because I have been having terrible computer problems and I don't see how I am ever going to catch up.  Carole, at least I found why I have been having so much trouble signing in, it was not only my keyboard but my mouse too, which isn't surprising since I bought them together years ago.  I went on Amazon and bought a combo wireless keyboard and mouse, which I just love, unfortunately,  I encountered a catastrophic error and got the dreaded blue screen and got locked out of my computer, it has taken me days to get everything back.


I'm so far behind I'm not even going to try to catch up for this round, I've just been practicing in some of the areas that are giving me a problem. This is a page I've wanted to highlight for a long time. This is our first grandson, when my daughter left an abusive marriage they moved in with us for over a year and he did everything my husband did, even reading the newspaper with his Grampa every day while Bill drank his morning coffee; I don't know if you can see that the paper is upside-down.


I've been reading back thru all the posts that I missed, so many gorgeous designs, wonderful interpretations and all so unique. I'm re-watching all the videos to make note of the different things I've learned, it is quite impressive.

I hope everyone keeps busy and stays safe.

hugs, Diana

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Day 7- Concentration


This is a favorite photo of my son, Tony and his Grandmother. We were at the Griffith Park Observatory in Glendale, CA.


Tony and my Mom were going over a book they got there and the two of them were totally engrossed.


Both, sadly, are no longer with us. My Mom a few years ago at the age of 94 and my son in 2006 a month before his 25th birthday. Both are kept in our hearts and memories.

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I am so enjoying looking at all the projects here. They are all so interesting as everyone seems to be telling some pretty good stories and using  enormous amounts of ingenuity.   Thanks for showing so many different parts of the world and keep yourselves safe in this crazy moment in our collective history. Hopefully the medical community will come to our rescue soon.  :-)
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Hi Carole, my classmate Trish Williams

Sent me a message and suggested my problem might be that font, She was Right! thank You Trish you Rock


this lesson was nothing but fun, but I couldn't figure out my problem for hours. I tried so much stuff but changing my font lol I really need help I haven't learned anything really except for in class on my own just not getting it.


Hope everyone is doing okay getting scary in my area people with cov19 doubled in my area in 42 hr


this is my 2nd bootcamp the first one I faked it on most homework, just faked it now trying to achieve the lessons the way its taught.

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I'm with you Lynda, everyone has such fantastic work! I've been sidetracked with a leaky roof as well as this virus nightmare. And now I hear several stores are closing indefinitely. They are home schooling the children here and most churches are internet only. Thank goodness we still have internet to connect with other people. I hope everyone is staying safe. I will definitely keep everyone in my prayers.


I finally managed to pull together a page for module 4. Then I realized I had skipped module 3! I know what I'm going to do for module 5 already, but I'm going to go back and do module 3 first. I do apologize for being so scatterbrained. I have an excuse. I'm old!

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Here is my last project.  I must say, I'm a little sad it's over.  I like having homework to do.   Left on my own, I don't think I would keep it up.  But having a time limit and seeing others doing the same thing (with different results) is fun.


Carole, let me know if there's another such "bootcamp".   And to everyone else:  hope to see you in some forums from time to time....


Carole:  I can't seem to Undo the selection with Ctrl-D.    The selection is still there.   I have to click on Pan to get rid of it.


Weird... or just me not doing something right....

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Also Carole:  I had to redo the Resize-Image.   The text on the mat did not follow through.  Maybe my computer had a glitch.   It was running rather slowly at the time.   Took forever when I clicked on File to get the "save as"...   I turned it off and it seems alright now.
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Okay ... I have said this before and I am going to say it again, beautiful work coming through here. We all present our pages in different ways and that is what makes it delightful to view. Different photos call for differing colours and theme components. And, I love to see the newbies stepping up to give a twist to the layout. What a Campus, thank you my friends. <3
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Dear Lynda, this is a truly beautiful page and a wonderful tribute to your mom and your son. I have always found that people who have endured this type of sadness are the most understanding, giving and loving human beings. You lost your son as did Trish and the loving light shines in both of you. Well done my friend. <3
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Hi Everyone


Only a few hours for this project!  I am getting better!  I can't wait for Spring and these iris plants to bloom once more. So fragrant.


Lynda, I'll have to research where your hometown is to see if it is close.


Stay healthy everyone!

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I have finally finished Project 4, which I really enjoyed and learnt a lot.

There is no way I could do the color change in the text with PSP X1. I had to do an overlay with the yellow letters - very carefully.

That "pinking shears" trick is great for that image border.

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Day 7 done and dusted!  I used utilised the scrapkit "Vintage Bibliotheque" for the background papers, alpha and the coin.  The frame I created myself and the bulldog clip was in my elements collection ... I colorized the flat flower.  Thanks for takin a peek!
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Corrie, I am glad you figured out how to get the glitters then! Sometimes, when I explain, I might forget some details that are "too obvious" for me. But anytime you are stuck, don't hesitate to ask.


Cindy, if the text only has the outline, it is probably because, in the Materials palette, you have a color for the foreground (which acts as a stroke around the shape) and no background (which acts as the fill). It can make a nice effect when it is what you want, but obviously, that is not what you are trying to get. But it is interesting that the font would have only an outline. Thanks Trish for noticing it. There are not that many fonts that have only an outline so I probably would not have guessed immediately.


Jackie, that is a cute combo of your son's pic with the cat and the paw prints in the color of his school! To address the issue of your text being on the same layer as the title, one way to "separate" them is to make a selection around the text, right-click on the layer and choose "Promote selection to a layer" (which will create a new layer with the text only) then reactivate the layer where the text was, and hit the DELETE key to remove it. That will separate both, each on their own layer.


Diana, welcome back! That photo is sooooo sweet! I think it might deserve getting printed and framed!


ScrapRic, glad that you learned about those tools. They can be very useful when you know where they are and how to use them. Your layout shows that you resized the photos correctly as nobody seems to be squished! For the last project, the color change can be done on all versions, just a little differently. What version were you trying to do it with that didn't work? Great photo of your grandson for your project #5! Did you pick the colors from the photo? They match perfectly!


Lynda, that is a great photo and using black and white papers and decorations really focuses on the colors of the photo! On the second project you posted, did you forget the shadows?


Sharon, that is such a cute story to go with those photos! Who is that little guy? You might want to add the name and date on the project for future reference!


Dee, that is a great layout: simplicity helps focus on the important parts: photo and story. Are you making an album for your family history? Many people use genealogy or history as a reason to scrapbook! Your last project has the perfect color to go with the photo!


Denise, we'll have another Bootcamp in May probably but it will be the exact same lessons. You are welcome to do it again; several members have joined more than once (some did it 4 times if I remember!). If you are trying to deselect with Ctrl-D, are you trying with uppercase D? You should not use the uppercase, as it is only to write it down since the D seems easier to recognize quickly than d. The text issue is a known "annoyance": when you have wrapped text, it does not seem to resize like everything else. I am not sure why, but maybe it just stays in the selection area, which does not resize either. That is why if you use the wrapped text and need to resize the project, you HAVE to convert the text to a raster (or at least convert a copy of it).


Annie, you had fun changing the colors of ALL the letters in the title!


Charles, I think you should just click the Unsubscribe link on top of the forum to stop receiving notifications for this thread.


Shirley, do you happen to have a way to scan those old papers? They would be a great addition to an album!


Several of those projects posted could deserve to be printed and framed. Has anyone considered that?

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