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Bootcamp - March 2020


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Shirley, a nice nautical theme page. That is a nice way to showcase a special photo.


Cindy, I knew you would get more comfortable after some practice. Now, you can enjoy the process more instead of swearing at the computer :)


ScrapRic, I am happy to see someone using an older version of PSP and still showcase as great a result as you did!


Annie, it is interesting how you created a "hole" to frame the journaling!


Denise, as a first scrapbook project, you started very well. Even if you follow very closely, using different supplies the result is completely unique.


Trish, that is also a "new kid on the block"!! Great photo for the time. I know we don't often have such old pictures!


Minka, those birds are so great. Did you add ALL of them or were some in the picture already? I think you might have forgotten the shadow on the rope. Is this possible?


Fiona, is that a photo of you? In order to get more supplies, there is a series of resources HERE. There are plenty of free kits and elements you can grab there.


Where are our silent participants? Come on. You can still catch up!

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Good Evening my Friends, I finally made it in and it is so good to see friendly, familiar faces, I've missed you all.  I was able to get back in to joing you finally  and finished my sandwich and table setting.  I read from Carol that whe didn't want us to do too much beyond the lesson itself so as not to scare the newer PaintShopPro'ers, but I couldn't resist just s tad.I've been having a difficult time keeping my layers straight and my old brain  doesn't retain much very will any more, I used to think of myself as a quick study, but alas! No More!  But I am determined to learn the 2020, all of it.  I had the old Jasc 7 for years and I've learned more with Carole in these past weeks than all that time struggling. If you watched the tube video you probably saw what I saw, but had never seen before? (Boy, try saying that 3 time quickly.)  But, now that I have seen it I have been having such fun.  It tickles my funnybone to kearn anything new that really interests me.
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Day 4  Hadleigh Castle Essex, overlooking the Thames estuary with views across the water to Canvey Island and  Kent  beyond . The cycle events were held here when England last hosted the Olympic Games


Photo and papers are mine,  bricks are from stock, horses from beecheslegs

text is colour to grey

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Layout from 2019, FREEBIES, PIXEL SCRAPPER BLOG TRAIN PS Apr 2019 BT Umbrella Weather

Thank You Carole, yes so fussing at my laptop again that's twice in a row so nice.


My dog is so funny, He really doesn't like water but he had a rough start, like me so I don't know why he's like he is, he just is. Right now he's laying on my bad foot my dog really loves me.


Trish Williams love your homework You live in the coolest Place I think. All your work or stock is so cool, do you sell any of it on sites online?


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Day 5 result.  Jenny and her husband, Gary, are very keen on fishing and a lot of that is done on their bi-annual trips around Australia.  The photo is of Jenn holding a couple of crayfish (Red Claw in this instance) that they had just caught.  Gary took the photo and I should imagine he would have been salivating as Jenn is a fantastic cook, :)  Papers are my own, flower was made using an Angel Wings Scraps script and the two chefs were freebies off the web ... the one on the right I had to extract using the magic wand with a feather of 1 ... super easy as it was on a white background!  Thanks for takin a peek!
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Hello folks, My day 4/5  did turn out to be a camping adventure when these 3 guys came for breakfast.  The horse almost had his head in the caravan window for the invite.   I love the donkeys expression, and the horse is looking after the black sheep.  I have used 2 photos as they tell the story.  I used 2 papers from the suggested freebie and everything else is also from Antebellim Press including the spray I made from her flowers. The dog is my daughters.  I made the tubes of her when she was a puppy.  I probably would have issues attempting that now!  lol.
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Hello Scrap Booking friends,


I am jumping in late here, however my travels are over for a while and I want to catch up.  Carole, thank you for your help and patience.  Looking forward to jumping in!


In the meantime here are some travel pics that I want to use.

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Dear Scrapbook Campers, there are just too many posts for me to comment individually this morning so just let me congratulate you all on jobs well done. And, thank you for providing me yet again with wonderful viewing to be enjoyed with my morning cuppa!
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Lynda, a nice way to focus on a small section of a larger image!


Lee, that bed looks so inviting!


Diana, I am glad you are getting excited about picture tubes. They are such misunderstood tools of PSP!


Jackie, that is a great picture you have showcased in the first layout! I think that if you were to add some shadows to your elements, it would give a more 3D effect. Check out the end of the video about the shadows. For the second one, you have some elements with shadows, but others without. Consistency is key. And yes, you did post correctly in the right place.


Trish, nice photo to showcase. You should include that story ON the layout too!


Cindy, you seem to really be getting the hang of it! I am glad to see you enjoying the process instead of banging your head on your computer! :)


Annie, you can also add that story on the layout itself. Who knows who will want to look at it and wonder who it is or where it was?


Shirley, this is a really fun story to tell through those photos!!! Great layout.


Liese, it is ok to start a bit late. You should have time to catch up.



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Here is my project.  I subscribed yesterday to Pixel Scrapper and downloaded some stuff which I then used today.  Having some trouble at times with the Materials palette and also clicking on the text inside the selection to be able to highlight it.  Practice makes perfect!   Have a great day everyone!
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Hi everyone,


Here is my Day 3 project.  I'm having fun learning a lot of new things and relearning some old.  I'm not sure I did the right project for Day 2 so I am uploading Day 3.  Someone please let me know if I am not posting the way I should.


I am not creative so I really enjoy looking at other projects!

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