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Bootcamp - March 2020


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HI everyone,


This is my first bootcamp.  I'm new to Paint Shop but have worked with other photo editors.  I'm looking forward to getting acquainted with PSP.


Here is my sandwich.  I'm looking forward to viewing everyone's work.  It's always inspiring to see what others create.

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Hello everyone,


My name is Denise and I am VERY new to this.  I know I'm a couple of days behind but I'll try and catch up.  I'm using PSP ultimate 2020 but could use a lot of help with the basics.   So, even if I don't know anything about scrapbooking, I'm sure I'll pick up some great help from this bootcamp.





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I finally won the battle of extracting my photos from my camera and phone! My computer doesn't play well with others. I need a tutorial on how to operate all of it. I've been saving these wonderful wood alphas since last year. Thank you Carole for sharing them with us!


Here's my Day 3 adventure!

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Shirley, that is quite a sandwich. I actually had to look at it twice to realize what it was! Very creative!


Annie, what are you drinking on that lunch? Is that a latte?


Mary, did you also have a chance to set the table? You would not want to make a mess on the table! :)


Denise, looking forward to see your projects. You made the correct choice to save as jpg as it is a smaller file than PNG and pspimage would not upload in the forum.


Lynda, is that a place you have visited directly?


Sharon, I thought I recognized that alpha! I think you might have forgotten to add the shadows on the beads (or hid the layer). Is that possible? And just a hint: those beads were create unusually large by the designer, so if you were to size them down, they would look more realistic (imagine those beads on a 12 inches page!). And if you size them down, you can even duplicate that layer and have more tiny beads. Just a suggestion.



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Day 3.  My friends Jenny and Gary try to do a bi-yearly trek around Australia.  This is a photo of Jenn quenching her thirst at Broome's Matso's brewery in June 2018.  They make a mean ginger beer with an alcohol content of 4.9%.  Of course, I am now a convert, ;D.  Kit used is "Outdoor Adventures" by Sheila Reid from Pixel Scrappers.  Thanks for takin a peek!
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Day 3  Surprise Surprise

made the backing paper, added a frame to the picture as it is an old one and been crimped, all the other elements are from my stock,

Denise love that view, it looks like a famous painting, its beautiful, where is it. would love to wake up to that every morning  xx

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Hi, I am behind by a day, having overindulged in gherkins (which I love; how did you guess?) but also I am having a bit of trouble with the Paintshop Pro software upload. Hoping that Corel support will help out some more tomorrow. I also need to find more resource for graphics to use supplementary to my photos. I had trouble finding backgrounds. My efforts are a bit literal to the brief as I don't know what I'm doing yet and not nearly so good as some of the recent posts from the rest of the group. Congrats indeed to Cassel. You don't look like granny! Here is my effort for Day 3, Project 1.
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Yes, all the photos I use are my own including the lizard. There is a lot to photograph.  Actually we are still in Camp Verde, Arizona which is in the same area as these ruins. It's all very interesting Indian history.


I had a nice surprise when I used the background eraser tool to get the lizard off the sidewalk it was on. The tool left the stones from the concrete so I made a selection of the stones and created a  texture which I used as the paper under the photo then I erased the left over stones with the eraser tool from around the lizard, made a selection and smoothed the edges. I was amazed that it actually worked.


I'm having fun with this bootcamp.

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