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BSC Module 1

Sally Finan

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Hi Cassel,

Thanks for guiding me to the correct posting page. This project was challenging for me. I learned the hard way in this lesson. After completing my project, I saved my .psp file 3600x3600 then I saved my .psp file as a .jpg at 3600x3600. Next, I accidently saved my .psp 600x600 without realizing that I was using my original 3600x3600. I went about my day doing other errands. I reopened my opened PSP software and discovered the mistake I made. So the only way I figured to reverse this was to reopen the. psp 600x600 then resize it back to3600X3600. As far as I can tell, it is the same as the original. I will not make that mistake again. Good lesson.



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