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What are you working on in February 2020?


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Hi Annie, thank you for the lovely comments, much appreciated.

I love your 2 posts, the green one reminds me of easter, they look like easter eggs down the side, yummy, great colours.  The pink is my favourite, just love the colours and it sure is tranquil, the lace pattern on the accent patch, is lovely, looks like lace, my favourite, especially today, Happy Valentines day.


here is my attempt at the vase, wasn't sure if you just wanted us to fill the vase, or make it into a post x


Vase- Cassel, window and stain glass panel from stock, back packer is all my design,  photo in window from a gardening magazine, flowers I have extracted all of them apart from one iris, and a couple were extracted from my own photo,  font is Birds of Paradise.  xx

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Thasnk you Carol, that is what I did, I thought with the light shining down on it it would throw he shadow to the front, although now I think the shadow would have been the plant. But it didnt look right whatever I did, and the shape went wrong with the presky perspective tools taking over, oh well perhaps next time. xx


Thank you Annie, the cabin was lovely , I have a thing for doors, my husband just wanted to take this one home, but it wouldnt fit in the suitcase xx


been playing again with another sinot shape and made some more patterns x

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Wow! So many cool shapes, papers, textures, etc, have been posted here, since I was here the other day. You all are so talented! I hope that I get as proficient as you all are.


So, I'm not the greatest at playing around w/settings to see what happens - I usually learn w/tutorials or with reading the user guide. However, I did try playing around with the effects options on something last week and I LOVE what happened. This ended up looking like a soft fuzzy texture. As you can see on the pic, I wrote down how I got it, but I stupidly forgot to write down or screenshot the number settings on the Colored Edges effect, so I'm having a hard time re-creating it exactly.


Sooooo, my question to Cassel or anyone who can answer is:


1. Is there a way to find out what the settings were? I've used those options since then, so seeing "last used" shows the number settings I just used, not what I had when I initially created this. (I've been able to re-create it as close as possible, but it's not exact, so I thought I'd check to see if it's possible)


2. I am wanting to use this texture on a winter hat I made, but I want the edges to look softer/fuzzier. I'm assuming the way to do that is by using the brush tool around the edges. Is that correct? If so, I seem to remember something from a tutorial (can't remember which one) that talked about creating a path. Can you point me in the right direction?



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2- if you want something fuzzy on the edge, you could use a path but it won't give the result you want with the effect you used. However, you could duplicate your layer, and then add a little blur to the bottom layer which will show as "fuzz" on the edges.


1- YES. There is a way to retrieve the settings you have used. At least since a few versions of PSP, there is a place where those settings are saved. Go to Image > Image information and check the Edit History tab. Hopefully, it was saved there.

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Thank you so much!!!!! The settings were there! :)


I was very close in what I re-created, but I'm so glad to have the exact setting. I made sure to screenshot the settings and I saved it too, just in case.


And thank you for the tip on using an additional layer w/a blur. I will try that out.

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I'm reading the PSP User Guide, but it's very overwhelming and I really don't know where/what sections to read to learn things I want to know right now.


You know about the glass I'm making, and I also mentioned a hat, but I'm wanting to make a candy cane, a mug, and other things that can be done w/shapes, brushes, or freehand drawing. But I'm also wanting to know how to manipulate those things, flood fill them, select certain sections, etc. Are there certain chapters of the User Guide I should focus on for these? Or will it be just going back & forth between, ie: shapes and then selections? Hope that makes sense.

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I find that the user guide is not really a how-to guide, but more a "what is this tool/effect about" which is why it is not easy to use when you are really looking for some instructions on how to do something. You might want to look a bit at the Vector class HERE. I do plan on having a class on vector soon.
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Wow, it sounds like everyone has been busy with such good looking projects.  I've been busy with tech support trying to get the extra programs that came with  PSP 2020  working.  My sweet husband had me buy the program for Valentine's Day and I've been going  crazy trying to get past ERROR 87, I'm dreaming about it at night.  I've been playing with layers and just playing in general.  I learned how to add a pattern to letters and made an alpha in block letters with a pink roses on black background inset.  I had a lot of fun doing that, I've wanted to learn that for a long time.   I also got a free .png file from PHOTOSHOP-KAPONA.COM and figured out  how to turn that into picture frame and insert it into the program as a .pfr frame and it worked... lol.  But mostly. I've been with tech support and they still haven't gotten two of the extra programs to load properly and my head is burned up with frustration. Now I hope to get back to working on the next mode ,only on TWO and I still haven't been able to do the binding script, I don't know what I am doing wrong, it seems like everything is going wrong lately, but I'll keep plodding along.  Have fun, I love seeing what you all are accomplishing, just awesome.






P.S. Sorry, I don't know why my earring holder loaded twice, like I said, everything seems  to be going wrong.

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Diana, I love what you have created to date. You are well on your way to being a psp enthusiast. Creators have loads of enthusiasm but that can lead to frustration and a sense of failure. Just keep plodding along Diana and Cassel is a remarkable tutor who will step in and help fix your creative problems. You are doing well my friend. ;D
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