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What are you working on in February 2020?


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Thanks dear Trish. I am again experiencing a very slow day with google. Quite frustrating. I am having to wait 2 to 3 minutes for a page to load, sometimes up to 5 minutes! I hope this doesn't happen for the webinar as I use google chrome as the preferred browser for that! Looking forward to the vectors webinar ... one of my favourite subjects with PSP. Wishing you a wonderful day my friend. <3
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When Carole offered this family template as a freebie just before the holidays, I thought that looks like fun, I will have a go at this when I get time. Well...............................3 nights, untold hours and a day later with I would say, more good luck than good management here it is. I always use the pick tool  for moving with masks and copied photo the photo layer   but always the same thing happened, 2 of the photos would slip into place, but the next 2 they were either behind the mask, on top of the mask or  sitting halfway between.  Only  the dog photos is mine, the others are from facebook feed. I doubt if I will go to  this place again, but I still have some masking to do so will just move on to another project in my usual kiwi way. I would love to see other people's work with this template.
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Carole I had to delete the black rectangles that were covering the spots where the photos were to go.  The top 2 just slotted in perfectly and the black rectangles disappeared like magic. Thanks for your help.


Annie I  was having some issues with google too, everything froze for quite some time.  I did a restart and got a message saying google was having issues.

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Shirley, I love your quick page, it is quite lovely and has come together very well. Those dogs put a smile on my face, they look so serious as if they are saying "We will behave for this photo mum", LOL! I shall have to have a play with the template but I am not sure I remember downloading it ... an age thing!

Thanks for the info regards google Shirley, it has been rather trying to say the least. I guess we are a little spoiled these days. Years ago it was the norm but today we expect everything to be available in the blink of an eye, ;D

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Well it is March 1st here but I will post this in February anyway.  This photo from Unsplash and taken by Joia De Jong was just too beautiful to cover up with elements etcetera so I played it very simple.  All background papers were made using the photo.  The flower element was a freebie from pngtree.  The font used is Harrington.  Thanks for takin a peek!
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