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Bootcamp - January 2020


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Oh my gosh I see now what your talking about going back in, wanted to pull my hair out and run. But I was following the


email now I came here I see what your talking about, I was looking for red and pink arrows ect in the program I didnt see


this email till now going back to try again, what I did from just the email made it worst... trying again ty you deserve



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Cindy, you still have a few things that you can remove to unclutter your workspace. Go to View > Toolbar and uncheck everything EXCEPT the Standard, Status and Tools. The others are not necessary now.


For the Layers palette, above it, it is the Materials palette. You can resize the Layers palette by grabbing the very top of it, and dragging it lower, so that will display the Materials palette more, similar to what I see. We'll get there, one step at the time.

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Cassel, you rock you've bout fixed it, ONLY what I circled in RED is what I need look mines almost like




soon as I get this next part done I am going back and started over, and do it all the way you showed me. I want to learn to do


it right not just make due. But wanted to put up my homework but it took me always over 4 hrs because I could NOT do it your


way. I am almost there Because of You


then I can start over and learn the text the ways you showed Us.

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Yes Cindy, you are almost there. Do you see just above that circled area in your screenshot, there is a Tool Options? That is just supposed to be docked. Double-click on it and it should dock. The Tool Options toolbar will change depending on the tool that is active. In your screenshot, it is the Pan tool. Notice that if you select another tool on the left, it will have different settings. That is normal.


If you go to View > Toolbar, you probably still have some options checked that you should UNcheck, like the Effect, Photo and Web. UNcheck those and you will have more room for the "useful" commands and settings.

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Gwen, those pictures are lovely. Are those your furry friends?


Nancy, let me know if you hear from Corel about that odd issue.


Inam, it is possible that you sent it by email? Since we get notifications when there is a new post, it is almost a reflex to reply to it instead of coming to the forum. Could that be the issue? At least, you noticed and reposted, and it is worth it. The shadows really give a 3D effect on your papers and photos. You can also add more prominent shadows on the flowers. You seemed to have fun with the multicolored title of your Day 6 project!


Leslie, creating some continuity is a great idea when you plan to have several pages on a single general topic. Yes, the shadows really add to the montage. You can be even more generous on the shadows for the flower. As for the shortcuts, don't worry: you will remember those you actually need and use often. In more advanced classes, there is a technique to tweak the shadows to make the leaves look like they are "flipping" up a little on the tip. But for the Bootcamp, we stick to basics!


Jnet, those are fun photos. Did you take them?


Dorothy, that is a good idea to use a gradient. In fact, it is like making your own papers! Your photos could probably use some shadows to "pop" more. Those photos are fun to look at.


Cindy, for your Fall day project, did you resize the image using the corner handle? the bottom right photo looks a bit distorted. You added great shadows to several elements. I think you might have forgotten the ones on the papers, but your progress are noticeable! Keep it up, you are definitely determined!


Lydia, that bee theme was perfect for that story!! Fun, fun, fun. I am not understanding what you are mentioning about the Eraser tool. What is it doing?


Karon, those photos made me giggle; it is really a playroom!!!


Aletha, it looks like you are getting more and more comfortable with those projects and the use of shadows. Fun photos.





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Today I practice to put frames around multiply photo's in a project.


Filling the selection border with a colour was not good.


So I made a new layer and then it went perfect.


Is this because of the hight quality of the photo's ... ?


Or did I do something wrong?

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Hi all,


Here is my attempt at Day 6.  I really liked the Pinking Shears.  Still looking for a use for the multi-letter colouring, perhaps on my Christmas turnings (Red & Green).  Added a few Maple leaves to this one, although the Wig Stands are actually made from 150 year old Pine (reclaimed from a mill that was torn down/rebuilt long ago) but the Bravery Bead Box is made of Maple, Cherry and Walnut.  I like these photos better too and the drop shadow on the leaves makes them jump off the page.

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Hi everone,


Thank you, Cassel, for the tip on using a different zip program. Btw, I heard back from WinZip and they think some program or setting on my computer is automatically upgrading my WinZip, even though I didn't request it. I'm still going back & forth on how to get it fixed. But in the meantime, I'm using a different free program, so I'm back in business.  :)


So, here is my day 3 project. I know that the string is on top of the paper, but under the pic. I preferred it that way because of the pic being so small. (I wasn't able to get the pic to a larger size, which I knew, but I still wanted to use it.)


Also, I like having more of a drop shadow, so instead of 10, I used 20 and I like that effect.  :)



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Now, here is my day 4 project. I really love Christmas and I love this pic of my dog, Penny, so I used different supplies. Again, I like more of a drop shadow on the elements, so I used 20, but on the font, papers, & pic, I used 10.


I am really enjoying this! I am learning so much, so thank you for doing this!


P.S. Will I still have access to the videos after the bootcamp? Because there is no way I'm going to remember everything, so I will need to go back and watch again.

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Hello Carole,


Even at my age (I will be 87 in two weeks) I learnt a few new things. All thanks to your patience and dedication in the way you have been teaching us.


Since you asked for ONE thing, I have to say, “EDITING TEXT”. Until now I couldn’t make corrections to any text. I would delete it all and start all over again – a royal pain. You showed me how easy it is: just select it and do whatever you want with it!


Having said all that, I do have a question: Will we be able to ask for your help when this session is over? If so, how can we contact you? Your "Contact me" tab doesn’t seem to work for me.



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I've been having the same issue. I finally realized I could make a new layer, as discussed in day 4, or I played around and found that if I clicked on the pick tool, I was then able to highlight the text. So, where is it mentioned about just double clicking? Is it somewhere in these messages?


I'll admit that I haven't read through all the posts on here, so I will need do that.

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At last here is my day five , I was delayed by being a bit under the weather , a gas leak that  had crews with jack hammers in the yard  for 48 hours, family drama , and my pspfreezing repeatedly, and then I just could not settle on photos or paper or etc. and started over more than once . here are a few rose quartz from my rock and crystal collections , the papers are all close up photos of crystals  and one  marble sphere  from my collection, the flower is one recolored from a script that I used to have and the ornament is a digital wire from long ago  . I AM picking up some of the short cuts finally got snap to guide to work .
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Hi Cassel -


I had some fun and some problems with Project 4;  It was fun to play with several different things such as the Owl and chain; to get it to span the full length of the page without making it huge I copied just the chain 2x and pasted them then copied the owl with a little chain and pasted it; then I needed to resize all of them to about 90%, align them and group their layers.  Hopefully I did this correctly so that it looks like all one chain.


I have a problem with the photo frames - they will not fill as solids!  Each of the frames has holes in it and I needed to click on the fill several times in different places to get them as solid as they are.   I imagine there is a setting that is off somewhere but I tried to look to be sure I didn't have any texture or pattern set.  Please help.

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Day 4 Project. I get stuck on composition but creativity comes with practice.


I had trouble with extra blank layers. I'm not sure where or when I created them. I deleted most of them. It would help if you have any guidance on that.


The other technical question deals with using arrow keys for fine-tuning the position of an element. I tried but there didn't seem to be any measurable difference.

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Hi Cassel & All,


This is my day 4 scrapbook page. I used the free kit for this SB.  I changed the color of the plaid image to match the photo better. I used MS Word for the steering wheel also changing the colors. I copied the little birds from the lesson (hope that is ok). I had to use the background eraser to remove the white background then saved it as a GIF.  The class videos are excellent. Will the links go away after this class? I have learned a lot so far and I cannot thank you enough. I want to keep learning PSP 2020. Thanks Much!





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Leslie, you are right; the shadows are really making those leaves stand out. Next time you use an element several times, you can slightly rotate them so it can give some "variation" to them. But make sure you do those rotations BEFORE adding shadows otherwise, it will make the shadows look odd. You are really making great pages, but also great woodturning projects!


Colleen, you read my mind; I surely would have mentioned the string under the photo, but to address the fact that your photo was small, you know that you can size down the string too! Even the beads could be sized down to seem more like "seed beads". But it is interesting that you are now thinking about your layering, which is a good habit to learn. On your Christmas layout, I agree that larger shadows are very suitable for those elements, and you kept the smaller shadows for the papers. You are really getting to understand the effects of shadows and not just setting them at random. And for the Candies, you could probably have gone even larger than that too! :) And yes, you will keep access to those tutorials after the Bootcamp.


Inam, glad that you are able to edit your text instead of starting over again! And typically, to contact me, that yellow tab on the right should work. Are you getting an error when you use that? If that does not work, you can always reply to any of my emails, or send me an email directly. Everything comes in the same inbox and I will be happy to answer.


Colleen, for the text to edit, if you select the Text tool, then, double-click on the text, it should get the blinking cursor to appear. This requires you to click on an actual pixel of the text, so if you click in-between characters, it might not work. One way to help is to "aim" at a thicker character or even to zoom in.


Gerry, glad to see your projects. You are using a great background paper. Is that a kit you used? For the extra blank layers, maybe they were not really blank? Various commands and tools might generate blank (or seemingly blank) layers, however, it is hard to know which one caused it not knowing your workflow. Next time it happens, take a screenshot of the Layers palette and post it. It might give me some hints. As for the arrow-keys, it will work under 2 conditions: the Move tool has to be active AND you have to have clicked back on the image (even the title bar) so it put the focus back on the image.


Peggy, using a photo as a background is a great idea! Yes, picking photos and supplies can sometimes be the longest part of creating a project!


Cyndi, your strategy to make a longer chain without making it thicker is excellent! For the photo frames, the issue is common: it is because the Fill tool has a setting called Match Mode, and it is probably set to something other than None. This means it will try to fill only on some sections. Make sure it is set to None, and it will ignore any color of the image itself.


Henry, I am glad to read that you are feeling more comfortable. That is the main goal of this Bootcamp!


Sally, when you save in .gif format, you might lose some colors. If you create your own elements without a background, you are better to save in .png format instead.


Tomorrow, you will get your last project tutorial. It will only need one photo, so it might be a bit easier. But you will still have time to catch up if you had to take time off or if you started late.

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Hi Cassel,

Hi all and Lurkers I think I am up to date. I think I bout got my program where I can follow a lesson good. Wanted to


go and redo some but was so busy today :( I have tomorrow Ill try then, cant wait. I am talking the next class How many


lessons are in it? Is there free supplies, like there have been in bootcamp? Well got to turn in got to be up at 7 and


then have a drive to babysit. You rock Cassel. night all

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I'm a little late jumping in. I used PSP in an earlier version, but it's been several years. I have been using other programs to scapbook, but just recently got a copy of PSP 2020 and find that I don't remember a lot of the basics. So much has changed as well. Looking forward to getting comfortable with the software. Here is my Day 3 project. I used a kit by Meredith Cardall called Ticket to Paradise.
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