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Bootcamp - January 2020


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Jnet, nice contrast from summer photo to winter photos!


Karon, that is a great layout. It is nice that you have a date on it so you will not have to remember it and then you can share it too.


Liese, what file format was the paper you got the error on? If it is a jpg, it should not give any error as it is a standard format. Maybe you used a different file by accident?


Aletha, glad to hear that you learned some things. That is the purpose. We have a total of 7 lessons: one for installation/setup, one for layers and 5 for specific projects.


Sorry for the delay. Those replies were posted but ended up on the wrong thread. Reposting them now.


Graham, of course, you can use ANY picture and ANY topic you want to showcase a story, so airplanes are fine!


Henry, that is quite alright. I agree that many scrapbook kits are somewhat "girly" even if they don't have a girl theme. Did you make the frame yourself? It is pretty cool.


Inam, I think it would be a great cover page. The only thing I would suggest is to reduce the size of the spread of beads. Those should, in fact, be very small. You could even have several copies on that page to show some of them "scattered".


Peggy, that is a great theme. Remember that whatever order you make your pages, you can always reorder them later! As for the leaves, is it possible that you enlarged them? It is something to avoid as it gives a blurred look, especially beside that crisp butterfly.


Gwen, because flowers are thicker than papers, you can set a shadow to have a larger offset and a higher setting for the blur. That will give the impression that it is thicker. As for the previous project, is the version you see on your computer the same as the one posted? I have seen that happen when someone posts the "wrong" version. But it is ok, if you have the shadow, maybe it shows more on the full size project too and just not so much on the resized version.


Cindy, for opening a new image, what is the unit you are using? Are you able to make a screenshot of what you get when it changes to 6666? I find it odd, so maybe there is another setting that affects it. You can send me that screenshot ATTACHED to an email? I'll look at it. For the photos you posted here, be very careful to not distort your images. When you resize them ALWAYS use a corner "handle" to resize to keep the proportions. If you compare the image with the little hand on the window, you posted it initially early in the Bootcamp. When you used it the next time, the  hand looked squished and tall, and on this one, it looks a little squished and wider. HERE is a tutorial for resizing images.


Dorothy, why didn't you add her name on the layout? That will be a fun album on a single theme!


Cindy, I have a blog post about how I set mine up. You can read it HERE. Let me k now if you need more details, although I do have most of that in the Day 1 video.


Helen, you got more snow than that this year too. No picture for it? :)



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Hi Carol,


I don't know what I did wrong, so I kept trying and it worked out.  Here is what I have accomplished in my first scrapbook page.  This morning I tried to open it and change the text and add her name.  The text tool was not highlighted and I thought that maybe I saved it in a format that would not allow changes...


Again thanks for your patience, it is so fun when you get it and then the next roadblock appears.  Learning is a continual process of going forward, stop, think, learn and forward again...


You are a good teacher!

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Patricia, you will see that digital scrapbooking is a fun way to showcase your photos, without the cost AND the space needed for storing all the supplies. And then, you can use the same techniques for many other projects afterward using PSP. Looking forward to seeing your "homework". And if you ever get stuck, we are here to help.


Liese, sometimes, the Text tool won't be highlighted if you happen to have more than one layer highlighted (since the text cannot be applied to more than one layer). But it looks like you managed to get it done? One thing that would add even more dimension is to apply some drop shadows and MAYBE use a thicker font for the text simply because it is currently on a "busy" background. Thin letters are easier to read on solid or almost solid background while thicker fonts are easier to read if the background is busier. And remember that trial and error is a must: it allows you to also experiment without any mess. That is when the Ctrl-Z shortcut is so useful!

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I actually downsized The leaves and they are blurry ,  which fit the project I originally made them for,  which was for another seasonal fantasy theme with Mara . but I really do need to expand my embellishment range of at least become familiar enough with all the stuff I have in kits that I could find something appropro.
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You are such a good teacher, and Patience you were meant for this. Don't we try you though? You never complain just wondered? You solved my problem it was when I opened it to make a canvas it was on Lines not Pixels. Oka so that one wont stop me now going to redo my project to get it done the right way they way you show.


How come there's such diversity in our posts on this, I understand falling behind not talking about that but such big differences in what ppl are posting and talking about? Feel lost a lot. Thanks for being so awesome. I didn't want to quit.


P>s. I spent o much money on supplies when I wanted to scrap book and they just sit in boxes I had to dust so finally got rid of them, but what a waste. Your making me want to do it again lol thanks

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Trudie, that is such a fun layout. The colors are perfect for that photo!!!


Peggy, after the Bootcamp, you might want to look further into your DIAMOND membership for all the tutorials to create your own embellishments to suit your own projects. But let's concentrate on the Bootcamp for now!


Henry, for future similar frames, you can use a vector path, which is easier to tweak, and then use one of the famous vector scripts, probably the VectorTube script. But that might be for later.


Inam, those beads look more proportional now. Where did you get those lovely stars? They seem to be picture tubes, but I don't remember seeing those in PSP. Did you purchase them or download them somewhere? They are lovely! And if you start doing scrapbooking with PSP, yes, it will be a great hobby to keep you busy when it is too cold outside!


Patricia, I hope you are hungry now that it is time to eat that sandwich! Good work. For your first project, I think you rotated that decoration to fit on the top right. Unfortunately, that cluster was made to look in a certain direction and rotating it changes the shadows and the arrangement. I have not mentioned it in the video (because I didn't know anyone would use clusters) but they will have specific shadows that don't allow rotations or mirroring. The most obvious detail is the shadow on the apple; on the top version, it has a shadow on the ceiling!


Cindy, let us know what you are still missing in your settings and we will help. To answer your question about the diversity of the projects, some participants have started later than others, but also, everyone is using a different image and might be using different kits they might have downloaded or purchased and finally, everyone has their own interpretation of a single idea. That is the beauty of this hobby and the power of the program!


Cyndi, your first project is good looking. I see the shadows are consistent. You can probably allow the shadows to be larger on the flower to give it some dimension. The only detail I would suggest you change (but you don't have to repost) is the text on the flower; would it make sense to have writing on a flower? I think it would easily fit on the top left of the flower, on the pink paper. You will see that I tend to be a bit picky about realism and impossible layering :)


Get ready for the third project, tomorrow! And to prepare you, it will use THREE photos so look around your pictures to find a few that are on the same topic (same person, same event, same location, etc.)

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THIS took me all day but I wanted to really do your lesson. I coudlnt do the text yet my programs not set up like yours


going to read the link you sent, I want to get it right so just copy pasted the words I coudlnt find how to write them even


though i have watched the video 9 times ill be on 12 before midnight. Not giving up, because you are a good teacher

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What does control Z do???


I agree on the text, being too thin, but I could not get back in to make the changes, it was attached to the background rather than being on its own layer.


The drop shadow will be my next thing to master.  My plan is to stay on lesson 3 until I feel like I have got it down.


Thank you for your support!





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Liese, Ctrl-Z is the magic button to UNDO what you just did. If you use Ctrl-Z five times, it will undo the last 5 commands. A few commands cannot be undone, like closing a file, or saving one, but most of the other commands (merge, change layer, re-arrange layers, add a shadow, move an element, etc.) are all "undoable".


It is actually the FIRST keyboard shortcut that any PSP user should learn :)

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I can’t find the “download” button for today’s mini download. I think it is hidden behind somewhere.

Oh no... I checked all the links a couple of weeks ago and it was there. Let me check something further. It looks like the threads have been removed from before November. I contacted the designer to see if I can exceptionally, distribute her mini-kit. Waiting to hear from her. In the meantime, you CAN download the other mini-kit that I have just added to the page with a valid link.


Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Day 5 mini-kit update. Thank you Inam for pointing to the fact that the link to the mini-kit was not working. I got in touch with the designer who gave me a direct link to the kit, so it is now available. In the meantime, I had found another mini-kit of hers in the forum that you can use. So, in the end, you have two mini-kits you can download and use if you want.
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