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Bootcamp - January 2020


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Jnet: c'est merveilleux de voir les Pélicans dan leurs habitat!


Ici, on peux voir des pélicans dans le Zoo d'Anvers ...


For exercise and undo the mistake with the fill-tool for the frame around the foto's:


a second scrap-page!


Cassel: The fill-tool was indeed on RGB mode instead of 'none'


Thank you, just learned more!

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Hi Cassel, Everyone.... lurkers sad for you, You should of been here. Okay so 1st I just did my lesson 1


it was fun. I didnt swear, or sweat, or get frustrated, and it didnt take me 5 hours not kidding either.


It was just 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 done and fun. so much fun heres my desktop too. And I got lesson 7 really feeling good.



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Hi all,


I really like what everyone is coming up with.  Here is my attempt at the Day 7 challenge.  I chose a picture of my Christmas ornaments that I like, but used the tools from the Day 7 kit so the colours are not perfect for Christmas, but I like the overall effect.  I didn't have space to add the copy text piece, but I did change my header text from Vector to Raster to add the Drop Shadow.  The Merge/Merge Down function was very helpful with the squares.

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Still working on my problem with the CTRL key. So far Corel has not been helpful - it's like they don't understand the question. I will make another attempt to contact them when I get time. Do you think I should try reloading the program?


Another question is that I like the idea of hybrid scrapbooking. That is printing digital elements to use on paper pages. Is there a trick that I might be missing in getting my printer to print in the colours that I see on my monitor in PSP? I've tried using the color management tools without much success.



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Hard to believe it is day 7 already. This one seemed perfect for using a photo from the DAR fall forum. I used Kimeric Kreations Vintage Pink kit. The bow was made from the lace in the kit and Carole's big bow script (which I love and have been having a grand time playing with).
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Bravo! Bravo! tout le monde se débrouille très bien et malgré que je fais le bootcamp une 2ième fois, j'approuve tout comme vous. Carole, le billet jaune fonctionne pour moi et oui les photos des pélicans sont de moi. Celle de mon travail d'aujourd'hui est de mon amie Danielle (elle va plus souvent à la plage que moi). On y voit des pêcheurs sortant de leurs poissons de leur filet et les pélicans et autres oiseaux qui veulent une partie. Oui Lydia, je suis chanceuse de pouvoir les voir dans leur milieu.


Bonne continuation à tous!


Voici mon jour 7

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Here is my next to last  my three girls as babies they are now 44, 33 and 31now,  again I never really settled on papers and redid them repeatedly. the dragonfly and heart are from tutorials  that I followed over a decade ago  probably from Hummie before she changed software but possibly from Tigger who focused on stationary and web page backgrounds even further back in time. I no longer recall how to do most of these things . but I think there are some similar things in the campus
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Hi Cassel,

In this lesson I found out how important is is to create the layers in the composition in the correct order. I accidently deleted my whole scrapbook.psp not once but twice. UGH Is there a way to save the glitter pattern to my materials palette? I kept getting a message... see-attached screenshot. I could not figure it out. In addition, I cannot get my materials and layers palettes to stick. They keep appearing in different places. I should know this but I do not. Thanks for the help with these issues.


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Cindy, practice helps so if you want to redo previous lessons, you are welcome to do so. Some members are repeating the whole Bootcamp more than once as they say they keep learning something every time, and also, it helps make the steps more automatic for you, even if you use different photos, different supplies, different commands. To answer your question, the "next step" would likely be the Basic Scrap Course, which will have suggested free supplies, but you can always use any other supplies. That course includes 5 projects (and 5 additional mini-tutorials).


L (how would you like me to call you?), welcome to the Bootcamp. You might be starting a bit late, but if you have already used PSP before, you might be able to still catch up. It looks like you are getting back quick nicely into it! Looking forward to your other projects.


Helen, it is great to meet your family through all those projects. May I offer a little suggestion? It might be just me, but when you are putting a frame so close to the edge of the page and it is cut off, it seems "incomplete". Maybe it is just my need to have something "complete"?


Lydia, glad that the flood-fill issue is addressed. Something you will remember next time it seems to misbehave!


Leslie, all Christmas related photos don't need to have Christmas color layouts. I really love seeing those wood projects of yours. Glad that you found useful tricks with the Merge function. For the text, remember that you can (should) duplicate the vector before converting to raster, just in case you change your mind and don't want to start from scratch.


Nancy, the match in color would start with the color management, but also you need to have your monitor calibrated correctly AND each printer has its own profile. It is not always easy to have exactly the same thing on both. I have had that happened at work when I was doing some graphics work to be sent to a professional print shop and they insisted it was the same color (hex code) yet, it didn't look the same at all!


Karon, that kit is fantastic. I love Kimeric's style. Too bad it is no longer available :(


Liese, with practice, you will feel more and more comfortable with the steps, the commands and the tools, and will be faster to pick and use them. I think the layout you posted might be missing the shadows. Maybe you posted the wrong version?


Jnet, it is a fun idea to rotate the squares. It gives a unique result! As for the code, don't worry' it was easy to fix on my end: it looks like you had copied the "text" code into the "visual" editor.


Peggy, it is so fun to have all those photos at the same age! As for other tutorials in the Campus, oh yes, there are hundreds in the Creative Scrap section that you have access to.


Sally, if you want the glitters (or any other pattern) to be saved and accessible later, you just save the .jpg file in the Patterns folder. It is that simple. The pattern cannot be added to the Swatches as those are simply a "collection" of existing patterns/colors/gradients that you want to use often, but they will be in the Patterns tab of the Materials properties window anyways. For your project, I love the idea of the larger image as it fit better and it looks like you also resized the photos correctly: no distortion.

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Bootcamp Day 7:


This was a hard one for me until I gave up the initial layout I had in mind.  Cassel, I had done cut and paste text a lot in my life time,  but I really had to fight my way through it.  It got me so mad I had to do it twice. Once while watching the video and again on my own.




PS-It's been a long day with Tax season warming up. I do want to take your next class after tax season slows down here in the states. My sincere thanks for all your help and guidance thru this bootcamp. It was a lot of fun!!

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Day 7 Lesson:


I used My pic. of My Daddy & free Items off google sites.


I played with the fish in text to get 2 of them to look like a S, Enjoyed the Lesson.


My Dad Loved to Fish & have Fish frys for everyone around.


He lived by the Sulphur River, if you couldn't find him he was always fishing & running his lines.


He is with the Lord in Heaven, he died at 66 to young, He died in 1998 & I still miss him so much, he taught me so much about life, surviving & having fun in the wildness.


Thank you

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I put all the tric's of the other lessons into this one.


New was: to get the text from a Word document  automatic in the selection area of the psp-image!


It needed me much of CONCENTRATION.


With files from lessons in evening school for adults in 2009 (That was long time ago and under dust!!!)  was I again capable to make the letters with fill from the original photo.


This bootcamp was FUN, thank you Cassel!!!!


PSP is a wonderfull program, I will recommand it to others.



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**I'm not sure if I clicked the Submit button before. If this is a duplicate, I apologize.**


Thank you the instructions on creating a custom fill. It's a technique that has lots of possibilities.


RE: the paper that I used in Project 1, it is from a bundle called Lavender Fields by jessicaD from Pixel Scrapper. It has lots of great things in it.

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Hello Cassel and BootCampers


I didn't think I would actually finish all five projects and in good time. My wife has been somewhat lonely during this time. I will take a little break but then get right back at practice. Cassel, I have learned a lot. I wish I had done this years ago. While I am going to carry on with scrapbooking, I will also redo some of these lessons as long as they are available. Thanks again.

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Day 3: These last two weeks were Drs galore so just got free yesterday to start these. A lot of Pixel Scrapper stuff except for your ribbon Carol from one of the Ribbon Factory groups. The cow is a friend's "New". I completely redrew the frame because I needed it bigger and it only came as a Pixel Scrapper png, wanted it peek-a-boo with the background.
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Hi how bout some cheese with this whine,


its my settings a couple times I got to open multiple files and sometimes I couldn't use the square to cut anything but a


big square then I could finally cut a rectangle. I am confused a lot its my settings. its a wry again... Why cant it come


with a downloadable small book? and tell you how to set it up I bought the new one so frustrating. But I am going to try to go


over all Cassel has showed us wished it was as easy as she makes it look.


love everyone's art.

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Fellow Bootcampers -I really liked this set of tutorials.  I've had the software for over 4 years and never learned how to use it.  I'm sure there are many things to still learn, but now I can get started and do what I have wanted to do all along.  Thanks Cassel for these videos and your great ideas.  As for what I learned - all of it.  I couldn't quite get my head around the layers piece; was having trouble with the text functionality (not sure I'm clicking on the "accept" button); I like the drop shadowing...…  all of it.


I have pictures from two recent trips (over the past two years) that I have yet to do anything with.  Now I have my projects set out for me.  I also want to create a pictorial inventory of my turned wood products.  I expect there will be at least two versions - "inventory" pics and "items for sale" pics.  Now I can make them look much more professional.


Thanks Cassel



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