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Bootcamp - November 2019


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Jerri, even if you ran out of time, you did a great job on that last layout.


Connie, you definitely seem to be more comfortable with your PSP and it shows in your layout. I love the seashells in the title.


Peggy, at least when you use a ready-made kit (or supplies) it allows you to concentrate on the technique. As you get more and more comfortable, then you will want to create your own. So it is quite ok. Using those supplies also makes the process faster.


Ann, black frames are less common than white ones, but they definitely make your photos stand out! Your Obi certainly looks like a happy camper!


Trish, are my eyes playing tricks on me or do you have blue shadows on your last layout?


Shirley, there is no time like now to start. And you still have time to catch up. Looking forward to your projects. You are starting very well and those pictures are great (cute and fun).


Remember that you still have until tomorrow night to post 4 out of 5 projects to be entered into the draw. However, you can always post more projects after that "deadline", or if you want to redo some projects, it is fine too.


And that survey too... your comments are always welcome.

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Day 6 November boot camp. Eli, our great grandson has been busy testing his baking skills for many years.  Earlier this year he met a well known chef and she gifted him one of her cook books.  He has just won the prime ministers award at his school for excellence.  We are very proud
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Hello everyone, I just want to say that although I have not worked my way through all the boot camp videos yet, I am working at it and enjoying it so much. I am very impressed with the work I've seen others post and wish you all well for future projects.


Mostly, I want to say to Cassel how great your style is, both in layout and design and in instructing! I was a college professor for over 30 years, so I recognize when someone is doing a great job at explaining and training. You're a natural. I would take any course you're offering!


Thanks to all!

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Thank you very much Julie for those kind words. I am looking forward to seeing your future projects, and if you want to see more classes, don't hesitate to join our live classes on the first Sunday of every month! It is even more fun when it is live!
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