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Bootcamp - November 2019


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Don't worry, Trish. In order to make it longer than 7 days, and give more time to work on the layouts, no email is planned for today, unless someone registered later, in which case, a few emails will be closer together to "catch up" with the others.


As for the blur, it is common when you size down any image since you have fewer pixels to show the details. At least, you keep YOUR full-size version, right?


Peggy, that is a good idea not to change TOO MUCH. It will make it easier for me to track which project was done, when, later, there will be the draw.


Barb, did you get the emails by now?

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Hi I am Andrew from Nottingham in the UK


Here is my first try at scrapbooking.


It is a photo I had taken when I first visited Old Tuscon Studios before there was the big fire at the Studios about a year later.


It used to be 2 streets but is now only one street and does not look as good as before the fire.

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Hi everyone! My name is Ann and I'm from the prairies in Canada. I love doing home videos and photo books but I've never done any scrapbooking before. I've had my PaintShop program for a few years but didn't really know how to use it so this Bootcamp, as well as your other tutorials Cassel, are a really fun and easy way for me to finally learn how to use the software. I love the projects that the other students have posted. They're all great! I picked a picture of some of my kitties. I enjoy lots of flowers on the deck in the summer but this year the cats decided that the containers had a much more practical use haha.



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My sandwich got eaten. So onto Day 3 Bootcamp.


A friend of mine raises cows and so I decided to go with it. Only problem is they are all off her phone and then compressed again on FB posting. But  I have found an online enlarger program that is so simple and FREE. I used it double the size of this image. https://www.photoenlarger.com/


I am very happy camper now.

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I had done about  80 percent when I changed my mind about the photo and replaced the dog with my grandson at age one .I also forgot to make sure I could see the whole page  so some off my placements ended up being a tad off. . I had more difficulty with the text than I expected . the ribbon and flower are from a  kit called wild things from 2004 and the papers are mine the base paper was from a hummie tutorial called tea stains  if I recall correctly. I wanted to ask a bout current usable  font viewers too as I have thousands of fonts,  especially dingbats, but don't want to load them all into windows fonts.
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Welcome, Ann. For a first scrapbook layout, you did great, and I love the photo and the story of your cats. You might want to even add that story on your layout, in the future. It is a really cool one!


Gwen, that is interesting that you put the spoon on top of the plate. I remember putting spoons there, when I was a kid. But not sure where or when I lost that habit!


Andrew, I don't think that the flower is too much. In fact, I think it adds balance to that corner.


Lynn, I agree that the pictures taken from Facebook are of very low quality, but for this exercise and posting a sized down version, it does not cause any issue. If you keep the full size page in pspimage format, maybe you can ask your friend for the "original" from her phone directly?


Welcome Carole! What size did you resize your image? it is very small. Do you think you can size down the original to 600 pixels so we can appreciate it more? a bit larger images will give you an opportunity to see more of the details.


Peggy, is it possible that you resized the photo more in one direction than the other? It looks like you resized it vertically more than horizontally, which distorts a bit that lovely baby! You said you had problems with the text. Did you fix the problem or are you still struggling? For font viewers, there is an article HERE about TheFontThing, which is the best font viewer, in my opinion.


Jerri, your layout is very much in that Thanksgiving theme. Good job. Did you add the darker edges on the pieces of papers yourself or was it already done? It certainly gives a great effect.


Looking forward to more of your work.


And for the dozens of other "silent" participants, don't be shy to show us what you are doing. We are all here to encourage you.

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I can't take credit for adding the darker edges. The papers were like that.  I like that look.


I love doing scraps and want to learn more things to make them look better.  I need to learn more about how to place


the scraps so they look original.  Thanks for these opportunities to see what others do and learn from it all.

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Yes I'm pretty sure I did mess up.The resizing  though I could claim.The kid looks weird I'm astigmatic enough that I don't always catch distortions and unlike paintings you can't pass off a photo club as artistic license , Thanks for telling me about font thing. I'm still working on issues with text but  pretty sure I'll get the hang of it eventually. Do you have tuts on.making elements ,?  I'm very short on cute and decorative motifs such as those birds, though I could probably create some from shapes  or ding bats or, if I were not still.having my weird issue with brushes , brushes.
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Jerri, the way to arrange a layout is often a matter of personal taste. Some people like busy pages, others like the minimal approach. Some like large photos, others like small ones. Some like a single photo, others like a lot. One way to help would be to scraplift (using another page as an arrangement you can replicate) or use a layered template as a starting point. In the Campus, part of the membership includes The Lab that offers a new template every month.


Trish, it is always fun to see returning participants!


Peggy, resizing "accidents" are extremely common, and I have seen that even from "experienced" scrapbookers. As for learning to create new elements and effects, there are hundreds of tutorials in the vault. That is accessible to DIAMOND members only. If you are curious to see what is behind that wall, register and join us for a tour, scheduled for Sunday, Nov 24th. The tour is free.


Henry, what kind of setbacks did you experience? Do you need help with some tools or techniques? We are here to help.


Barb, how did you customize your sandwich? I always curious to know: what is one thing you learned (or re-learned) this time around?


Watch out for the next project tutorial tomorrow!


Anyone who has not posted projects yet, don't worry, you still have time!

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Hello Carole, You asked what kind of setbacks I had. Mostly for some reason I got big duplicate files, of an element that I was working on and could not seem to get out of it and my computer would lock up. I ended up restarting the project several times because I could not find where to go to correct the situation. Note; I also realized after I sent my project that I had not re-sized it, sorry. Henry
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