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Bootcamp - November 2019


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First of all, come and say HI once you register for this bootcamp.


We want to know who else will be there, on our side to cheer everyone up.


Everyone started as a beginner, so don't ever compare yourself to others. You will learn one tool at the time, one concept at the time and you will create one project at the time. Everyone will have different photos and possibly different supplies so every project will be different.


Once the Bootcamp is started, on November 14th, you can post your pages in here.


Remember to resize your image to about 600 pixels before uploading it so it won't slow down the site when we have lots of your masterpieces. Try to follow the tutorials at least enough that we can recognize what lesson you completed.


Now, let's get ready !


If you missed the registration link or if you found this thread before I announce it (some people are very observant), HERE it is. Share it around if you want.


Although this bootcamp is mostly meant to help beginners, we won't exclude anyone for "excess experience". Some participants are back for a second round. You are always welcome. Remember that it will be the exact same tutorials so don't be surprised. I am sure you will now do something slightly different than the previous time.


Since anyone can follow the whole bootcamp using the trial version of PaintShop Pro, this is a perfect opportunity for anyone to give it a try and see how they like the program, so share with your friends who MIGHT consider using PaintShop Pro.


This time around, instead of cramping the 7 tutorials in 7 consecutive days, they will be spaced out over almost 2 weeks. I am making this change based on some feedback I have received so hopefully, it will be easier for participants to follow without feeling stressed (it should never be stressful!).

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Hi I am Peggy Im trying to relearn digital scrapbooking after about a decade off with mostly no access to computers . Ive forgotten a lot and am dealing with a vastly changed technology.  for now I'm sticking to dark grey work space and lighter image background, brush variances is my favorite palette but I have not yet firmed up the best set up for me. I miss the materials rainbow picker as shown in the demo mine does not have the outer rainbow  edge. one issue im having is that  this particular computer  has a high resoloution and everything is quite small for my  old eyes.
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Welcome Peggy. That is a great idea to add cheese!


To answer your concern about missing the "old" materials palette, you can still get it. I still use it. You can set it under File > Preferences > General Program Preferences and under the Palette tab on the left, click on it and you will see a checkbox for "Use Classic Material Properties". You can find other "old" settings listed in this article:




If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. We are all here to help.

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Welcome Henry. First of all, you are NOT too old (we have members that are older than you!) and whatever age, you just have fun with the program, enjoy the learning, and create things that YOU are proud of. There is so much you can do with it! Check out the other sections of the forum to see!
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I have been digitally scrapbooking for 10 years on a Mac using a program called iScrapbook. However, last year I decided to buy PSP Pro 2018 and learn it on my own. Yikes, what a learning curve it has been. I use it for all my various projects, not just scrapbooking. I thought I would sign up for your online course and see what I can learn. It appears that you are going just where I need to go. Thank you so much for covering the very basics with layers. The sandwich analogy was perfect!
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Welcome to the Campus, Julie. We are all here to help and encourage you. PSP is a very powerful program (more than many users would even know) but this power also comes with a fair amount of complexity, which is why I try to be as detailed as possible. Yet, if at any point, you are unsure of something or you have questions, don't hesitate to ask in the forum.  :)
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Hi Henry, Thank you, but this is my 3rd time thru Boot Camp, there is always something to learn, and each time you get better.  Look forward to seeing your projects.   Check out the Forum, see what others are working on.


Carole, should we have got 2 today, I only got one-Day 3  and it didnt come thru till late afternoon.  Nothing in the trash.

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Trish, some got some emails sooner than others. Another glitch in the system. Project 1 (Day 3), should be sent one or two days after the Sandwich, to give time for participants. You should get it today unless you registered late. Didn't you get Day 1 and Day 2?
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Hi!  I am Stanis from a small town in the USA.. have been playing with PSP for many years but never did scrapbook


pages.  I use PSP X9.   I am on a veryy sloww satellite connection and was not able to view the video so I looked at your example and


made my first page.  Thanks for all that you share.

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Welcome, Stanis. Glad to see you still managed to create that first page without the video. Are you going to be able to view any of the videos? Many tips and tricks might not be obvious if you only look at the finished results of others.
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I started out with a completely different photo then just kind of improvised the papers and elements and even a tube mostly from stuff id made about a decade ago , but I tried not to stray so far from the tutorial that it would be unrecognizable. me my two oldest girls and two kids who  borrowed us a parents for a while
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Hi Carole, yes I think I was late in registering, I did recieve 1 & 2 , 3 arrived a bit late.


I haven't recieved one today, but then I havent recieved any today which is amazing , seems this happens at weekends for some odd reason, so that might be just me.


Carole am I saving this right, as it seems to have blurred , psp -jpeg-reduce-png.



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