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Double Take Challenge 2019


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Sue, that is a great way to create your own background for that Day 2 project. It is so easy to use just about any image (good or bad) and play with the effects in PSP to create something totally new! For the Day 3 project, did you use a mask on the edge of the right image? It is a fun edge.


David, success!! Those little elements on the left, are placeholders. I know I didn't put much emphasis on those in the tutorial. Since they are separate layers, you can remove them or replace them by some other decorative elements if you want, as they are typically not meant to stay as-is (although sometimes, they are fun to have, and you can just change the color and add a shadow to make them "match" your project. Keep it up!


Alicia, those boats and pelicans pages are great. I like how you rotated the template to make something unique and very pleasing to the eye. For your Day 2, that is really impressive!!! It is such a great idea to get the inspiration from the arch and translate that into the shape of the photos. Great work!


Libera, that font is great to read. I use that sometimes too, when I have some text to add. I think you are having fun creating your own templates!


Annie, great photos and great layout. I think that the journaling is a little bit hard to read. Maybe it was just a little squished sideways? I think we should notify Unsplash of all the great layouts you make to showcase their photos!!!


Shirley, sorry to hear about your computer! Don't worry if you start late. It is not a contest or a speed challenge. Start when you are ready.


Marisia, that is an interesting page on the left. It looks like some photos were a bit distorted though. You might want to have a look at this tutorial. For the right side, with the text, it is hard to read that text. Maybe you could try to have the text on an area where the paper is not flipped, or even flip a smaller section of the page.



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A few years back, we took a driving trip that went from Texas to Utah, and of course, I got lots of photos!  For Day 2 of this Challenge, I picked two of the states we drove through, Colorado and Utah, and decided I would show the change of scenery that we got to enjoy.  Because the landscapes and climates were so very different, I changed the backgrounds to reflect that dynamic.  I also kept the masks on both pages the same to provide more continuity.  The font is the same as what I used on Day 1.
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Thank you Carole.  It's hard to beleive that I started out with a photo of blue sky with some white clouds.  I use the effects tools a lot.  I clicked and clicked  on the random button, in the Kaleidoscope, until I found what I was looking for.  I agree those tools in PSP create some truly unique background papers.  I used the mirror tool too, so that they would  fit perfectly in the  centre.  I used  a brush, I tried to use one of  your lace tubes, but the magic wand wouldn't pick up  every detail, so I used a brush I had. It's a photoshop brush, from https://myphotoshopbrushes.com/brushes/. I made a mask out of it.    I find that  brushes or masks make a subtle divide.  Perhaps you could make some  lace brushes for the store.  I'd buy them.    x
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Everyone's work is  outstanding, and  extremely interesting, so many different techniques used too.  I feel after looking at the pages and reading the postings, I've  completed a trip around the  world in  80 seconds.   Well done  one and all, I love everything you have done.
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I'm really enjoying everyone's layouts. Shutterpixi, I especially like the way you featured the landscapes of Colorado and Utah; I'm going to scraplift that layout for sure!


I'm really glad to see that everyone else takes photos of birds and flowers - seems we all seek beauty in nature.


Shirley, thank you for sharing your painful experience as a cautionary tale. I hope you had everything safely backed up. I'm doing another back up today, after reading your story. :-)

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Hi Scrapbook Campers.  Again I must say that there is some beautiful and clever work being presented here so... congratulations to all!  This is my day 3.  All photos from Unsplash and all by the same photographer, Vitor Pinto, except for the background photo which was taken by Samantha Gades.  Thanks to Unsplash for the beautiful photography I source ... I have very few photographs of my own you see :(  Font used is a freebie, Xiomara and the two elements I have had forever...  Thanks for takin a peek!
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Here is day 4.  Again I used a sky photo, which had a hint of  red, from the sunset.  After many random  clicks, the kaleidoscope delivered  another lovely background paper.   Text on a path, lifted corner. Gem stones from picture tubes. A plaque  created using 3 tutorials from Cassels.
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Shutterpixi, I love how you used the many spots to display a single image. That is very effective! Your sunflower layout is great and I love how you use the wide photo as a background.


Annie, I think it might be worth contacting that photographer and showing how his photos are used.  I am sure he would appreciate that.


Alicia, your photos are great and the way you showcase them is fantastic. You really bring us travelling with you!


Sue, your bird photos are always breathtaking. It is great to give you options to showcase so many.

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Hi Scrapbook Campers.  Over the past couple of weeks I have been having issues with PSP 2019 Ultimate.  Well it finally crashed and no amount of uninstalling/reinstalling would save the day.  Interestingly I was having the same issues with PSP X8.  I have now uninstalled both of them and I am back to using PSP X7 which I have always loved.  In losing 2019 and X8 I lost a ton of picture tubes and for that I shed a few frustrated tears and I have been sulking ... as you do!  Eventually I decided that sulking was doing me absolutely no good so I shall just have to have fun creating them all again... ;D  I lost a lot that I had purchased though so I will have to try and locate the downloads to see if I can rescue them.  Dang, but technology can sure be a headache at times.


This is my day 4 result for the double take challenge.  I decided to showcase the elements that I have created over the past couple of months.  All bar the birds and butterflies (tubes I have had forever) are my own work.  Thanks for takin a peek!

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Annie I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles. I, like you, ended up having to uninstall 2018 and X7. They simply wouldn't work anymore. I didn't have much installed so I got lucky with that. Even though you lost a lot stuff, you have still managed to present with a glorious garden!! You are definitely living up to your Superfan status.
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I finally started getting the emails starting with Day 03. I played around and created Day 01 and Day 02. They may not exactly follow the examples but I was getting behind and I wanted to catch up to everyone else. I chose a colorful subject for my pages. All the photos are from Unsplash. Their photos are simply wonderful I think. I certainly can't take photos like that. I hope ya'll enjoy Mr. Colorful!
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Day 5 of the double take challenge. I didn't have to do much to create this page. I used the sky for the background paper at the bottom and added a subtle blinds texture. Perspective for the text. I didn't have to crop the main photo as I took a panoramic shot of a section of the lake. In excess of 11 million water birds congregate here during the spring and then again in the autumn, en route to and from their breeding grounds. The framed photos are just a few of the species that can be seen there.
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I'm slowly catching up. I managed to make a cohesive image out of several pictures I borrowed from my son. They went on a hiking excursion at a new hiking park that opened a while back. I think they visited it about a year ago if I remember it right. The view looks incredible in the photos. It's definitely on my bucket list of things to do. I hope you enjoy the little slice of life around here.
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