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Double Take Challenge 2019


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Here's my Day 1.  Photos are mine.  We've had a number of nesting cardinals this year, and had the amazing opportunity to watch them and their young through the various stages.  We've also had successful hatches of Eastern Bluebirds, Northern Mockingbirds and Loggerhead Shrikes.  To be able to watch and photograph them as the young fledge is a gift I greatly enjoy and appreciate!
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Hi David, to save your PSP-Work as a RIF is the wrong way and as Sue already said you always get this notification in PSP. First you save your layout as a PSP-Image and then as a JPG. Once it is a JPG you resize your image 600x600 and save it again. May this help?!


Look for a file folder "Corel Auto-Preserve", may be a part of your work is still saved there.

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That's my first day. I did the template by myself because I liked to "torture" myself a little bit, LOL. No, I just wanted to exercise with rulers and guides as I did for the pop art.


A few photos I took in my garden, the others I took in the garden of a museum I use to visit.

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Sue, you are more than welcome to show off the layout you did last year. It surely will inspire others.


Sharon, I hope you got the Day 1 now?


Shutterpixi, I love how you tweaked the original template. That is exactly the spirit. Although one can use a template, the template does not have to limit us. Your extending some areas for larger photos is perfect. You could even reuse the same template many times, always with some changes and they will always look different (yet, quite consistent).


Libera, of course, why make it easy when you can work harder! ;) I am glad you are finding additional ways to "practice" with your PSP and you also end up with a great project. Personally, because you are using a green gradient for the background, I would have used a different color than the green. Maybe a pink from one of your flowers?


David, were you able to address your PSD issue?


If anyone reads this and has NOT received their Day 1, make sure you send me an email by clicking on the yellow rectangle on the right of this page. I will send you a copy manually.

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Day two of the challenge.   For the background I  used a  sky photo which I took,  played with the opacity, and kaleidoscope.  Mirror, so that the  two background paged matched. I did the same with the  second page of photos., to achieve a sort of pyramid effect.
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Sue and Shutterpixi, how inspiring birds can be :-)!! Amazing realization of DTC, I really like the way you placed your beautiful pictures, and it is an interesting course in ornithology as well. The transformation of the ladybird is exciting.


The technique applied for the word bird is great, Sue. I would like to see it "bigger" :-).

Which font did you use for the red cardinal, Shutterpixi? Although the font is small, it is very easy to read on the second side.



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Thanks, Carole and Libera!


Libera - The font I used for all my text on Day 1 was Calligraph421 BT.  I applied a bevel to it and, for the big header text, I also applied a drop shadow.  The smaller informational text needed more definition beyond what the bevel provided, so I duplicated the raster layer and changed the blend mode to Hard Light.


Libera - I really like your Day 1!   Very pretty garden images and such good photography!


Sue - It's hard to beat your last year's work, but you look like you are off to a great start on doing that!


David -  Glad you were able to get the problem resolved.  Good job on the magnolias!  They are such beautiful and fragrant flowers!

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Libera, thank you for you lovely comment.  You are going to have to wait a few days, to see the bird word much, much  bigger.  :-)  I have plans for it.


Shutterpixi, thank you for your encouraging comment.  I have a high standard to maintain, phew!  I hope I can  deliver. :-)


Dave, really good job on your magnolia page. Keep up the good work.

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Hi, everyone. I'll be using pictures from a spring trip to Florida for this challenge. The more I learn about scrapping with PSP, the more I want to learn. (I've put a Diamond Membership on my Christmas wish list!)


My Day One pages feature some sights from Key West. I didn't have enough vertical pictures, so I rotated the pages. The seashore paper is from a kit by Digicats called "Travelling Abroad," and the letters are from the Let It Shine alphabet kit by JSS.

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And Day 2: Dry Tortugas National Park, Fort Jefferson. I used the arch shape from the fort's construction to inspire my photo shapes. I applied the "duplicate and change the brightness" routine to create the shaped mats around each photo by just resizing the black shape to slightly bigger than the photos. I'm pretty happy with the results. I made the background paper (and the tag) by using the PSP brick texture blended with a basic background color.
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Not Day 2 but still Day 1, another alternative in pink based on Carole's tip concerning my green layout.

I seized the opportunity to add other flower photos of mine, matching more with the pink gradient. For the little poem I chose the Hobo font again, hoping it is easy to read by clicking on the picture.

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Beautiful layouts Alicia, it makes you want to sail, well balanced and placed pictures. The font, pelicans and sail boat is matching well with the landscape.


Clever idea to use the brick texture and the arch shapes to illustrate the forttress :-)!

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A big thank you to all who commented on my day 1 double page, it is always appreciated my friends. And, congratulations to all for the beautiful work on your pages, very inspirational let me assure you. I was going to comment for individual participants but I would be here all day, ;D
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Hi Scrapbook Campers.  For day 2 of the challenge I used some elements out of kits from Pixel Scrapper "Back to Nature" & "Many Thanks".  All the photos are from Unsplash.  The background papers were made by myself following tutorials by Cassel.  Thanks for takin a peek!
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Hi, I have registered, but not able to start the double take yet as I have had a busy week.


I recently cremated my laptop and just received my new one after a 3 month break. I was ready to start tonight, and I have done another whoopsee, not a bad one but I don't know how to get out of it so will need to get some help tomorrow.


I would like to tell what happened to my old laptop because it was such a freak accident I would not like it to happen to you. I prepared to charge my tablet and my usual multi  power connection plug was full so I  chose to charge it through my laptop, I made the connection and  walked away, when I returned and removed the connection alarm bells rang big time and my usb ports were deemed unusable and it would not even accept my mouse dongle.Three  techs were unable to correct the fault.  Long story short the  big boy experts decided I had overpowered the mother board. Fortunately my insurance helped out.   It was the first time I had charged in this way.

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Thanks Shirley for your informations, always new experiences with hardware. Good luck for you!


Annie, thumbs up again for your picture/color/element composition and thanks for the nice poem.


Sue, what a quick "delivery", I won my bet. :-) Very beautiful bird pictures again.

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