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Hi Jnet!


Fichier / Préférences / Préférences générales


Choisissez une palette


Choisissez des matériaux classiques


J'espère que vous comprenez, car je dois utiliser un programme de traduction.




Merci Linda, j'ai maintenant la palette classique


Merci Carole - j'ai appris à tracer une sélection pour y insérer mon texte et à faire du papier dentelé


Mon jour 7




So, Sue, is it a boy or a girl?


Linda J, using a monochrome page to make your photo stand out however, if you added some colors instead of just greys, it might still make your papers show up without overpowering the photo. Maybe some soft blues? Or greens to show off the blue of the sky. Just an idea.


Patti, nice layout. Did you add a shadow to the paper where you wrote the text?


Susan, good catching up.


Linda, you are definitely doing very well. Those are often small details that are so easy to overlook. And thank you for helping Jnet.


Jnet, j'aurais tendance à diminuer un peu les ombres. Si tu regardes les rubans de près, ils ont l'air de flotter. Peut-être une ombre un peu plus mince, et moins floue collerait tes rubans sur ta page. :)




Last one!

Thank you Carole for being such a great teacher. I have greatly enjoyed learning new tricks and seeing all of the beautiful work you ladies do! I created the corner diamond and heart blocks as my day 7 block lesson and tried to make my shadows the right size for each element. The picture is 18yrs old...my husband, his son, me, my brother-in-law at our local Renaissance Fair...



Sorry I didn't get to finish the course. We are in winter here with lots of cold and flu germs and very cold temperatures (-2° C) this morning. Unfortunately the germs came to visit so have been unwell for the last week. Hopefully I can take the course at another time.

Many thanks for the great lessons.

Eileen W.


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