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Publish It Challenge - 2019


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Est-ce qu'on a toujours eu le mot vectoriel quand on faisait un clic avec l'outil texte? si oui, c'est drôle c'est la 1iere fois que je remarque (ah! la mémoire).  Et tu as raison, il n'est plus éditable une fois flottant, je viens de faire des tests - Merci je vais le garder en vectoriel
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It has been a sheer pleasure to log in here daily and view the delightfully diverse results of Scrapbook Campers for this challenge. Thank you one and all ... and, a huge thank you to Cassel for this great challenge which was a wonderful learning process throughout!
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Carol I tried to put it in a book form/ video with fast flick but couldnt find a format, it only did mpeg4 wmv or avi, is there one that makes a book or video to go on here.

Dont know if this is relevant, guess its probably solved be now, but Patti's picture problem, I get confused with where the pic is, so I turn off the layer till the one I am looking for disappears.


Thank you carol for a great project and all the help especially the video. xx

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Trish, I searched and didn't find how you can upload a video file. The only thing I know is that if you have it uploaded on YouTube for example, then you can post the link. Otherwise, I don't know. If you are in the FB group though, that should be easy to upload there.
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Thank you for the "wrap up" email. I was able to get to the lesson for Day 7, which had been a problem for me. I used the opportunity to make a sort of back cover, a page without any text.


This challenge was good for me, as it reminded me that I don't need to spend so much time and energy on choosing or creating embellishments. After all, for some scrapbooks, I just want to focus on the photographs, and let them tell the story. An introductory page of clean text in journalistic style would make a nice addition.

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I went back and changed all my pages so they would have the same background. I was quite happy with it at that point. Then I realized that I have the wrong date on all of them. We did have flooding in 2017, but the photos I used were from 2009. Oops! I'll have to fix that.


Is there a way to set these as some kind of slideshow presentation that can be uploaded? I'm dumber than a box of rocks when it comes to anything to do with web presentations. I come from a printing background so I'm a newbie at advanced graphics.

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Sharon, I have not found a way to upload any kind of video file in the forum. You could use PowerPoint to create a slideshow and you can use one of
. I didn't check them all, and I don't have a free one to suggest from personal experience (I am using Camtasia to record and it is not free). Then, you could post it in the Facebook group where you can upload video files.
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To Carole and Sharon,


if Sharon wants to create a slideshow, may be she coud try it with the free version of IrfanView. It will create an .exe-file and that is pretty easy. But the question now is, is it possible to upload this format on Facebook or must it be converted?




P.S. I just discovered a way to create a html-file with images in IrfanView ....



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I did some checking around about the slideshow presentation. Evidently I should be able to create one with Google Slides. It said I could then post it to Facebook. I just have to figure out how to work with their templates.  I'll explore it some more when I can chisel out some time to learn how to do it.
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Bonnie, if you add more pages, photos and stories about this event, it will surely be worth getting a printed version afterward. Imagine the conversation starter when sharing that with others (including your teammates)!
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Carole, I tried last night to create the html-file with IrfanView. It looks like this: file:///C:/Users/Public/Pictures/Test.html


It works on the own pc, I can see the pics in the browser and that's it ... So other steps would be necessary to transfer to another website.


Another P.S.: it looks like in the uploaded image. All photos can be saved in 1 html-file and each photo can be saved as an htm-file, you can have both and even do a html-slideshow.

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