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Hello from Germany


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High time to say HI to the community! I am a french "older" girl :-) working and living in Germany, decided end of the last year to begin with PSP again. I used it many many years ago under JASC and forgot a lot. My favourite up to now is the alphabet game because its simply for me at the present time the quickest way to participate. I found this campus on the site of the corel discovery center while looking for tutorials. I never intended to do scrapbooking before but this campus changed my mind and is for me a real highlight. Carole is an excellent and humorous teacher, with her it's a real challenge and pleasure to go on learning step by step. I use PSP 2018, i switched the language and use now the english version instead of the german one. If i make mistakes writing in english, just don't hesitate to tell me where i'm wrong.
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Welcome libera. I am glad to hear that you are discovering scrapbooking as a new use for PSP. You will see that there is so much you can do. Continue playing with the Alphabet game. I smile every time I see a new words added to the list!
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